Recent content by Punomatic

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  1. Punomatic

    Post a joke

    This reminds me of when I was a Lieutenant in the Navy dental corps. The clinic had 3 heads: officer’s, enlisted, and one in the back that everybody just used. One day I was sitting in there, and 1st Class Petty Officer came in and sat in the stall next to me. We finished up about the same time...
  2. Punomatic

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    Perhaps, you have never been to sea in a relatively small sailboat. In my experience the statement "when closed admits light and water" is not hard to swallow.
  3. Punomatic

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    Back in my sailing days, I had a "Dictionary of Boating Terms." One of my favorite entries was "Port hole: An opening in the cabin with a glass window, which when closed admits light and water, and when opened admits light, water, air and mosquitos, except in Canada, where most species are too...
  4. Punomatic

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    Very droll!
  5. Punomatic

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    I heard it from the dog's perspective, one dog to another: "I don't get it. I keep trying to show him I love him by bringing him a ball. But he just keeps throwing them away."
  6. Punomatic

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    Looks like every man, woman, child and pet in Gainesville wants a Ram.
  7. Punomatic

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  8. Punomatic

    Post a joke

    Oh, that's just awful. I love it...and me Scotsman.
  9. Punomatic

    Post a joke

    A scientist was searching for an extremely rare animal in Ireland. Only one had ever been seen by human eyes before. As luck would have it he finally spotted a strange looking ball of fur. He took out a photo of the only known example of the animal he was seeking, and lo and behold it was the...
  10. Punomatic

    Post a joke

    When I started dental school, my wife was bringing home $240/mo. We budgeted $40/mo. for "food and entertainment," which meant we occasionally could afford to buy a pint of rum for a party. I worked here and there at jobs that paid $1.50/hr., and we did fine. Even bought a house on a private...
  11. Punomatic

    Sanitizing a water system

    Just gonna throw a monkey wrench in the works here. I'm a home brewer, so I am very careful about sanitizing equipment. The last time I sanitized the coach water system, I used One Step cleaner/sanitizer, which is what I use for my beer equipment. The advantage is that it is tasteless and...
  12. Punomatic

    Do you remember your first tow?

    My first tow was a hay sled behind a tractor at age 15. Next was a 14' outboard runabout built by my dad and my older brother. That was 1962 when I was 16. I'm not sure why they let me tow that beautiful boat, but it turned out all right. My nephew still owns that boat with a 1963 35 HP Evinrude...
  13. Punomatic

    Collapsible Drinking Water Hoses

    I bought a Zero-G because it got good reviews. It works fine in use, doesn't taste bad, BUT it doesn't recoil as advertised, so I ended up winding it up like the old white hose, only with more difficulty. Finally ditched it and went back to the white hose.
  14. Punomatic

    Story Behind Your Screen Name

    I love wordplay. On a ski trip with friends back in the '90s, one of them said, "You're a regular pun-o-matic." I can't remember when I started using that name on the internet, but I have never had a conflict when setting up an account with the handle Punomatic.
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