2010 Tiffin Phaeton floor plan change?

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Feb 10, 2024
Looking at this year and model DP. This probably sounds petty, but the TV is in a bad spot. Is it possible to add a lift tv behind a sofa? Motorhome is in tip top shape. Have had it inspected.


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I don't think your concern is petty. It's always been a pet peeve of mine! I've often wondered if those who design and specify the position of TVs in RVs put them in a similar position in their homes. I don't ever recall walking into a model home (or anyone's home for that matter) and seeing the main TV installed 90 degrees from the sitting position (sofa, chair)!

As for $6,800 to add a televator, that sounds very high to me. I doubt that it requires an RV shop to do the work. You might want to check with a local cabinet shop or a trusted home remodeler for competitive quotes. These days RV shops are charging $175 and up per hour, so it's easy to rack up a loft bill.

But if you're looking for RV-specific places you might contact Bradd & Hall (click here). Or, try contacting these companies...(click here). Also, just enter "RV interior renovation near me" into a Google search.
The importance of the location of the TV actually depends on the people who travel in the RV and how long they stay in it. And we don't all agree about the best location for it but high mounts tend to be used when eye level mounting locations are hard to find. If you watch much TV, then it can be very important. Since I watch very little other than TV news, it isn't so important to me.
It's easy to run up a huge labor bill for that sort of thing, especially if you go to an quality cabinet shop or RV remodeling specialist. Besides the cabinet work, you are adding power wiring for tv & lift plus tv signal cabling (Satellite/DVD/antenna). A lot of detail work you no doubt want to be nicely hidden.

After getting price quotes, a friend of mine decided on a simpler solution: he bought a 37" tv that he sets either behind a sofa or on the dashboard up front and runs a satellite coax cable from the factory tv location when in use. When traveling, the tv lays face down on a bed and the cable is coiled up and put in a drawer. Crude but cheap & easy...
We went to Red Bay and had the local wood worker fellow build us a cabinet, move the dining room table away from the wall, enough to fit the tv lift and tv. Then he ran the antenna cable and power to that location. Looks very nice and with the cost of the tv and lift we supplied I think we spent just around or slightly over a grand to him for the materials and labor. We are very happy with the new location of the tv.

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