Bicycle Mounts

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
What is the best way for a diesel pusher pulling a toad to mount two bicycles?

I have seen them mounted on the diesel ladder (but what if I want to climb up?).

I have seen the mounted on top of the toad (but what if I want to unhitch and take the toad to dinner?)

I have seen them mounted on the rear bumper of the toad (not sure a Ford Taurus can do this)

I have even seen them mounted between the diesel and the toad. (But what if I want to unhitch?)

Open to all suggestions here.

I guess since the Taurus is a station wagon I could put them in the back with the rear seats down.? But then where would I set up my ironing board when I need to press my pants?? :D

Mounting them on top the car is one solution that will work very well.  You wouldn't have to remove them to go to dinner unless you are going to park in a parking garage.  One of the framily did try to drive into a parking garage with the bikes still on top. ;D

Also there is probably a mount that will fit on the back of theTaurus.  Check at some of the sports stores like REI or similar. Possibly Wal-Mart might have them.

We wouldn't want to set up a conflict with the ironing bard now would we. ;D ;D ;D

How hard are they to set up on the toad roof?  Remember I am an ole farte and lifting gets a little harder each year.  They look so tipsy up on a car roof, but I guess it must be ok as I see a lot of the on the road.
I have the one from Camping World that attaches to ladder. Love it and have used it on several long trips. I am an old guy also and don't have a problem putting it on. I only carry one but could just as easy carry two. If I ever need to get on roof I could them the bike off in a flash.


Why not get a couple of folding bikes? A number of forum members went that route, although I get sticker shock when I see the prices. Of course, you'd have to find room elsewhere for the ironing board.
Smoky said:

How hard are they to set up on the toad roof?? Remember I am an ole farte and lifting gets a little harder each year.? They look so tipsy up on a car roof, but I guess it must be ok as I see a lot of the on the road.

When we carry bike we carry them on the back of the toad. You are probably right they may get heavyer each year when trying to place them on top of the toad.  Check out racks that will go on the back of the Taurus.
If I put it on the back of the Taurus, can I still access the trunk?

I am thinking more and more of using a ladder mount.  I just wonder if it is still possible to climb up the ladder if there are two bikes mounted on it.
If I put it on the back of the Taurus, can I still access the trunk?

I am not sure but suspect not without removing the bikes.

I am thinking more and more of using a ladder mount.  I just wonder if it is still possible to climb up the ladder if there are two bikes mounted on it.

I wouldn't try clibing a ladder with bikes in the way.
Smoky said:
If I put it on the back of the Taurus, can I still access the trunk?

I am thinking more and more of using a ladder mount.  I just wonder if it is still possible to climb up the ladder if there are two bikes mounted on it.

There are a number of different bike mounts designed to mount on an assortment of different vehicle types.  The trunk mount is one of the easiest,  Yes, you can open the trunk with the bikes attached however it won't stay open (better to take them off) with at least some of the mounts....

The mount I used to use was held on by straps, the straps went from the top front lip of the trunk to the bottom rear lip and had padded legs which sat on the turnk, the bikes hung off the back and were strapped to the mount.

This is but one design, As I said there are many,  Good sources of bike mounts for cars are most any bicycle store or sport shop (MC-Sporting, Gardner Mountain, I'm not sure of REI but I think they have them)

But you have a lot of options

If you have a hitch on the Taurus a great mount for two bikes is one that goes into the receiver on your car.

You can always do what Terry and I did.? After hauling the bicyclyes? thousands of miles, we bought a storage shed to store the bikes.? Have not used them in two (or more)? years.? We carted them on top of tow vehicles , behind the motorhome and inside the car.? Never rode them.? Fill the tires with air every so often.? Have filled the shed with? way more items than needed.? Good luck.?
Betty and Terry
In Newquay UK you can get a rack that bolts to the side of the bicycle to carry surfboards,i think you could start a new trend carrying you ironing board like that
Heheh Ian.? I am getting a never ending supply of ironing board ideas here!! ;D ;D ;D

Betty, we do use our bikes a lot, though maybe that will change after we full time awhile.? They are good exercise though.

However your point is well taken.? As we get closer and closer we are beginning to see that many of our fulltiming "must haves" are turning into "can't takes" !! :eek:

I think bicycles are one of those thing you just have to see how it goes.  Some folks use them a lot and others find they don't use them enough to warrant carrying them.  I would suggest you give it a go and take them along till you find out how much you use them.


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