Leaving RV for couple days

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Feb 2, 2024
Wife and I are new to full time. We will be leaving the Class A for a couple days. Wife thinks we should pull in the slides while we are gone. I think that definitely shows that we are away. All awnings will of course be closed. :)

What are yalls thoughts?

Paul and Silvia
Wondering where your RV will be while you are away? If you are at a campground, when my wife and I have went on side trips for a couple of days, we let the front office of the campground know we will be away for that time.

If you are boondocking then you are more vulnerable for something to happen. If you have made friends with someone you think you can trust, ask them to keep an eye out for you. Other wise a camera system that is hidden along with an alarm system that would go off if someone gets inside (motion detector) is about all you can do.

We take cameras, money, senstive papers and anything of real value if it will fit into the car with us.
It would very much depend on where it is. I'd be more inclined to worry about storms than vandals, but there are places where the opposite may be the greater worry. On the other hand, I probably wouldn't consider leaving it at all if vandals & thieves are a concern. They are going to see a missing vehicle and other signs and not just the slide status.
Eat all your ice cream (I always give the best advice!) and consider emptying your fridge of any quickly perishable foods just in case there is a power fail and you're not set up with automated generator start to keep the veggies crisp...

Of course just two days might not be an issue... But I want you to come home to a place to rest, not to clean and AIR out!
We will be leaving the Class A for a couple days.
It would very much depend on where it is.
I too think that where the RV will be is very important to the proper answer. If in an RV park you need to let the management know that you will be gone and when to expect you back. The same is true for a public park campground with gate attendants and volunteer hosts. We have kept watch on an absent RV owner's rig more than once when serving as a campground host. We have also left the RV for as much as a week while fulltime and on more than one occasion. Since you are addressing the slides, I would suspect that you are in a park or campground. Unless the park has problems with uninvited visitors I don't think that you have much to be concerned about, but weather could be an issue. A busy park that is always nearly full would be the best choice. I would probably pull the slides in as only an RVer would know if your RV has slides or not and for bad weather reasons.
Be aware that policy at some parks will not allow an RV to be left unattended or will require that it be placed in a storage area instead of a site. Others may be ultra-accommodating and offer to keep an eye on it for you. I've experienced both situations. I would be circumspect about my plans at the campground office and start by asking about leaving it for a few days rather than stating it as a fact, keeping the option to disclose more definite plans once you know the policy.

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