Member search doesn’t work with wildcards

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2014
Cedar Falls, IA
I always expect searches to work with the wildcard * in matches. It doesn’t seem to work here. I used it to try to message a member, and I then tried to search for posts by the member, but *abc* didn’t work (the “abc” part of this is made up to not identify the individual completely, but it was part of a valid username). Am I doing something wrong or is this really broken?
I always expect searches to work with the wildcard * in matches. It doesn’t seem to work here. I used it to try to message a member, and I then tried to search for posts by the member, but *abc* didn’t work (the “abc” part of this is made up to not identify the individual completely, but it was part of a valid username). Am I doing something wrong or is this really broken?
Nothing broken. It appears that wildcards are not part of the standard member search.
Nothing broken. It appears that wildcards are not part of the standard member search.
Can anything be done for that? There are lots of times I remember part/most of a user name, but not all. It makes it very hard to search posts or send messages.
Can anything be done for that? There are lots of times I remember part/most of a user name, but not all. It makes it very hard to search posts or send messages.
I don't know if a software addon is available that would do that. If you know, for example, the first 3 characters of the member name, you can type them in and it kinda acts like there's a wildcard at the end. However, I think it's a bit clunky. If you type in dav, it will display some names beginning with dav. But, if you were searching for a name such as davidxxx, it's not displayed unless you enter davi.

I'll continue looking to see if a software addon is available, then it will be up to 'management' if they wish to purchase & install the addon.
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