Outdoor Allergies

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Jul 16, 2016
Not sure where to put this. I thought well it does have to do with the outdoors. Just wondering if anyone like me suffers from outdoor Allergies. If so what do you do to help them along? I take anything with a "D" in it. Like Allegra D. It helps but I still get plugged up. My insurance wont cover the shots. I need to find a new Dr too. Mine doesnt seem to care when I talk to him about the allergies.  Curious to know if you have self remedies or something along these lines to make the allergies more tolerable.  Thanks in advance for any info.

Everyone around the country is suffering from allergies this year.  People were complaining everywhere we went - east, west, and in between.  I went nuts at one campground in Michigan where we were parked next to a hedge of juniper which is one of my main environmental allergies.  Also the mold has been bad in areas that have had a lot of rain.  There's no blanket statement we can make because what works for you might not work for me.  For the most part I try to ignore it but, when I get too itchy or can't stop sneezing, Benedryl is useful.  I also have prescription eyedrops for itchy eyes caused by allergies.

Ditto on the allergies this year. We were at a COE park in May when everything green just exploded! The cars, campers and even picnic tables were covered with pollen. I hid in the air conditioning for a couple of days.

It's hard to recommend meds. What works for me does nothing for my buddy, and the stuff he swears by does nothing for me.
The biggest thing that helps me is the air conditioning. But Im not even safe inside. Im allergic to Dust, Dust mites, Trees, Grass, Weeds and Mold. For anything to work for me would be a glass box. Being from Michigan not much helps. Feb and March and then Nov and Dec. Those are my worst months. When stuff is starting to grow and the other 2 is when everything starts to die for the Winter. I love being outside to much so I put up with the pain I get from my sinus's. If I sleep on the left part of face. I wake up and feel like I have been hit by a truck. People should be very happy they dont deal with this stuff every day like we do.
If we spend time in the desert, we both get sinus infections and have to head to the nearest doctor's office or clinic. It usually takes several cycles of antibiotics to get back to normal. The only preventive thing we've found is to avoid the desert  :(
Ok, I'm just gonna toss this in here.

A good Mexican salsa, or Texas Chili.

Some of that stuff acts like nasal draino for me. ;D
Have you tried a Neti pot?  You use saline solution to rinse out the sinuses.  Should be in the allergy section of CVS or Walmart.  Hope you feel better!
My daughter is allergic to everything except food.  She has tried everything under the sun and while meds help a little bit she is still miserable most of the time.  She finally gave in and is spending the money on the allergy shots that are on the fast track.  She had to go in for 8 hrs and get shots throughout the day and then every week, two weeks and so on.  I has been a little over 2 months since she started and she feels like a new person.  I think she will get one shot a month from now on to keep her on track. 

I know this is not what you asked, but hopefully it will help someone who is thinking about the program.

Interesting Robin; Might be something we need to explore.
A resurrected old post, but applicable to me too. I have allergies to dust and lots of trees and grasses. My general response is like Tom?s - sinus infections. I sat down with a friendly family practitioner who took the time to give me some real suggestions. Now I treat my allergies aggressively all year. That means Claritin and Flonase (generic versions) every day. Whenever I am in a dry climate, I use a nasal saline spray 3-4 times a day plus a personal steam inhaler at least twice a day. Dry mucous membranes lock things in and make it worse. We even use a little room sized humidifier in the RV when it is really dry outside. Since I started this 2 years ago, no sinus infections! I used to get one every time I went to the desert, and I love the desert too much to give it up.
I used to have pollen and food allergies.

Then I read the water cure. Several great books on this amazing miracle cure as well as oodles of articles.

Really works.

Now I drink multiple glasses of water through out the day and I no longer have any food or pollen allergies.

I also follow the allergy cleaning safe guards.

My roomba vacuums every day and I put the collected dirt outside.

I don't re-wear clothes that might be pollen contaminated, I wash them.

Funny enough, I typically brush my long hair outside so any pollen or crap that might be in it, comes out and stays out.

If my sinuses act up, I wash them with a Qtip laden with hydrogen peroxide. Usually a minute later, they are ready to blow out the gunk.

Life is good.

I'm allergic to animals and have a dog and 2 cats. I take Claritin (loratadine) every day. It sounds silly, but drink a lot of water, it works miracles on allergies.
Teako said:
Not sure where to put this. I thought well it does have to do with the outdoors. Just wondering if anyone like me suffers from outdoor Allergies. If so what do you do to help them along? I take anything with a "D" in it. Like Allegra D. It helps but I still get plugged up. My insurance wont cover the shots. I need to find a new Dr too. Mine doesnt seem to care when I talk to him about the allergies.  Curious to know if you have self remedies or something along these lines to make the allergies more tolerable.  Thanks in advance for any info.

Hey man, I also suffer from allergies especially pollen allergies but just in the summertime its really annoying because of the sneezing and all the symptoms. Last year I was on vaccine against these allergies and it really helped me out of this.
Im also using a pills like Zodac, Xyzal or Zyrtec.
U can find it in  every pharmacy.
Hope u find my tip usefull. Good luck.

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