Potential forum bug posting links

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2016
SW Louisiana
I tried posting an Amazon product link in a thread today, and the forum seems to be adding the following characters to the end of the link b373-0e5c1a776d5d which of course leads to a sorry we could not find that page. This remains after I tried editing the link 3 times, I post the correct link, then after I click save the forum adds this on.

I will try posting the link here in this thread Amazon.com

As cut and paste the link ends with 3L65K, I am not sure if it will work here or not, if not I will leave it anyway, so you can see is the forum appends anything to the end of the URL

p.s. seems to work fine here, but not in this thread Flat towing tall Jeep w Blue Ox

See my response on that thread. I had exactly the same issue with different letters I think.

Using android Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra
Since I can't replicate what you're both seeing, could you tell me if either of you are posting with an iPhone. A little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me we saw an issue with iPhone (or Apple products) truncating links, i.e. dropping characters at the end of links. But, it was some years ago, and I don't recall if that was occurring when links were posted or when someone tried to open them.
I am using Firefox on Windows, in my case mystery characters were being appended to the end of what I pasted after I submitted / saved the edit, not being truncated.
I often use https://tinyurl.com app to create a shortened version of those massively long URLs. That's just one of a few different sites that do the same thing.

I use shortened links from such sites a lot for things like email but I seem to remember that there may be an issue with such sites on forums as they can be used to "hide" what might be undesirable links. (?)
I often use https://tinyurl.com app to create a shortened version of those massively long URLs. That's just one of a few different sites that do the same thing.
We have a similar capability in our post editor.


  • Screenshot insert link.png
    Screenshot insert link.png
    39.5 KB · Views: 3
  • Screenshot insert link 2.png
    Screenshot insert link 2.png
    7.4 KB · Views: 3
We have a similar capability in our post editor.
Hmmm.... not sure what you're pointing out? I do always use the little chain link icon to post links, but that, as you know, just inserts the required HTML code around the selected text and the link itself is unchanged.

Probably not necessary but as some links can be ridiculously long and my thought-- right or wrong-- being that the longer the link the greater the chance of the forum software not liking it.
Hmmm.... not sure what you're pointing out? I do always use the little chain link icon to post links, but that, as you know, just inserts the required HTML code around the selected text and the link itself is unchanged.
I must have misread/misunderstood your prior message. Didn't realize you were aware we have that 'chain link' tool in our editor. The whole point of the tool is, of course, to allow the poster to create a short title for display, and the URL can be virtually any length.
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