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Aug 16, 2016
Orange County, NY
I did a search, and I am sorry if I must have used the wrong search terms.

Physical training is important to me.  I know there are lots of creative ways of going about exercise in the rv lifestyle.

I get kind of .... obsessive about my training.  Among other things in my training, which I see no need to go into, I seek consistency, with goes toward monitoring progress.

In my sticks and bricks and with my gym membership, both of which I recently gave up, I had pull up bars I used regularly.  Incidentally, I also have gymnastic rings which I used less regularly.

So, I'm mostly in search of options for my pull up bar.  Some of the options I've come up with so far:

There is a commercial product that will insert into the receiver hitch.  This commercial product costs over $350.  That isn't an option.

Although, I may be able to seek out a welder who could do the same thing for me at a fraction of the cost.  Certainly may be an option.

I have a door way pull up bar i used in my sticks and bricks and in hotels when traveling.  That isn't an option in the rv.  However, the physics of it gave me the idea to build something similar that would hang on the ladder in the rear.  Is this an option?  I'm not sure.  I weigh about 200 lbs, and I am sure the ladder will support that by itself when I climb it.  However a pullup bar added to the ladder would create a fulcrum lever sort of scenario which may compound my weight, not to mention added "pulling" stresses it may not be designed to hold.  I really like the idea of building this bar, I just don't want to rip the ladder off the rear of my rig.

A hunters tree stand.  I think I could pick one up for around 50 or 60.00, and they don't look like they would be difficult to add something like a couple handles on, and i see a prime candidate of a tree right outside my window.  Although, if another rv moves in, it maybe would be in their yard....  I could still probably find another tree someplace.

And finally, speaking of trees, i still have my rings.  While there are no good trees immediately near my rv, there are some less than a quarter mile away that i could toss the straps up over the branches for to use the rings for pullups, or what turns into a sort of pull/chin up when you use rings.  So far, I'm leaning toward this option.  I'd like to leave the rings up, but I'm afraid either somebody will take them, or somebody will get hurt on them and I will be held responsible.  So, I'd just be slightly inconvienced by setting up and taking them down whenever I use them.  "Normally" this won't be much of an issue.  Will be quite the nuisance come winter.

I really like the ladder idea.  In fact, I am having difficulty not going out and building it before getting advice.  But I'm going to wait for feedback.  Otherwise, unless I get a better suggestion, I'll probably stick with my rings.

Ahhhh, to head off questions I guess.  I am a new "semi permanent" permanent RVer.  I don't plan on pulling up stakes at least until Spring.  Even if I do then, it will be vacation sort of thing, and I will return to this spot.  My rig is a 33 ft 2000 Holiday Rambler.
I would use the ladder idea, but to eliminate the fulcrum effect use an outboard leg attached to the open end of the bar - easy peazy!!
I'd be hesitant to use the ladder.... but depends I guess on how many reps and how often you'd use it. 
The ladder is just screwed into place, and I'd be concerned about the screws working back and forth.... it just seems like an occasional use thing to me, not something to regularly use.  In my coach, I believe it's just screws into wood, not a bolted connection.

Just a thought, check with the folks at http://www.thefitrv.com/.  She's into teaching fitness classes and such as far as I can tell, and so maybe they have seen something in their RV travels if they don't have a solution themselves.
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