Replacing running lights

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
What is the procedure for replacing old running lights? They work but we are re doing our front cap. IMG_1113.jpeg
When I did mine:

Source replacements before you start. Remove lens from old light. Remove screws. Carefully pry base from sealant. Wire had some working slack but not a lot, so cut wires at the lamp base. Strip and crimp new lamp and existing wires together. Clean off old sealant, apply new sealant. Screw new lamp base to surface. Clean up any sealant around base. Install colored lens. Repeat for all lamps.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Tip, secure the wires before cutting, when one falls inside the cap it's a bear to get out; don't ask.
Do not seal the new light base on the bottom, leave it unsealed JIC a leak later develops on top. I had a lens leaking for a long time. Dust had sealed the crack between lens and base at the bottom. This allowed water to build up in the lens, which then ran into the wiring opening in the base(base was sealed). Water then ran down the wires into the wall and rotted out the wood paneling.

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