Tales From The Road

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Loose Nut

Well-known member
May 4, 2021
Cochise Stronghold... or damned near it.
Y'all don't know me from Adam, but I've done a bit o' traveling in my time, and I also wrote a few stories about my adventures. Some of these stories were published in the San Diego Reader, others are simply blog versions, aye? I actually wrote a book, since I've had work published, but my book isn't PC enough for modern publishers, and the self-publishing sites strike me as a scam. They take your perfectly-crafted electronic manuscript and mess it up, then offer to "fix" it for a thousand bucks or whatever... no thanks. My work has to stand on its own, and if I change it to suit anybody else, then it wouldn't be MY writing, would it? Meh, I've already shotgunned most of my book across the web anyway, so my voice will be heard after all, lol.

Now, these blog versions aren't perfect, I was probably drunk when I posted most of 'em, and I often used slang or took steps to circumvent censorship. There's no going back to fix any of the blogs, but the stories are still entertaining. You traveling folks might even be familiar with a few of the locations... some places are off the beaten path, just the sort of wilderness venue I like. Oh, yeah, let me post this link first, there are pics from certain adventures in this old thread... for example, you can see the view from the summit spire of the Mohawk Mountains by scrolling down on the first page, I think it's the ninth photo. Enjoy the stories, each tale is a chapter in my book... and there are 35 chapters. We'll just start with a few, yeah? Cheers!!!

Random outdoor adventure shots...

And here are a few tales from the road:

Triple Treat

Mohawk Mountain Madness

Salt Lake Skeeter Saga

Monkey Business In Manhattan

Ice Storm

For The Birds

Vision Quest At Vedauwoo

Affirmative Action On The San Rafael Swell

This last story isn't from the road, but I'm throwing it into the mix because it's my favorite voyage from the 'Island Trilogy'---you hardcore small craft sailors out there in cyberspace will enjoy this tale of adventure, lol. The 'Island Trilogy' is the centerpiece of my book, and those voyages were truly memorable, the freedom out there is intoxicating. Here ya go, enjoy the boat ride:

Isla Norte

P.S. You can see some island shots in that first link, including shots of Isla Norte, which was once my spiritual home. Beautiful islands, Los Coronados, and wildlife sanctuaries as well... nowadays, I'm not sure one could duplicate my voyages without getting into trouble with 'La Armada de Mexico'---the Mexican Navy. Probably wind up in jail with your boat confiscated, lol. I'm glad I went when I did, in the early '90s.
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I think your first link could be broken, or because I'm in Scotland it doesn't like me. It says I'm automatically banned?
Are you serious? Seems to work fine here... maybe that message has something to do with MY being banned years ago, lol. No worries, I've been banned a hundred times before, but those guys kept my photos up because they're NOT the kind of pics seen every day, lol. I was just telling another site member about my Salton Expeditions: sailing the length & breadth of the Salton Sea, something few if any living sailors have done. I'll have to post a link to a site where I have Salton photos posted, the place is an unreal sailing venue, but most folks never get past the foul-smelling muck and shoals of rotting fishbones which line the lakeshore. Once you're well away from shore, the place is a nautical paradise, with heller views of the mountains & desert which surround the lake. In terms of geology and physical geography, it IS indeed a lake in a shallow desert pan, you understand. I'll post that link in a few moments... CHEERS!!!

P.S. Try going to OAUSA.NET and scrolling down to the 'Photography' forum, then scroll down again till you find 'Random outdoor adventure shots' from "The Railsplitter"---my handle during my "trucking daze" (and it had NOTHING to do with Abraham Lincoln, I assure you, lol).
Okay, lemme see, where was I? Oh, yeah, I gotta find the link to the Salton shots...

The Three Amigos Thread

Okay, once you've reached that thread, scroll down to Post #14 and you'll see some cool shots of sailing the length of the Salton Sea... don't mind the beater cartopping boat, it served a purpose, though I kept my beloved Laser #2069 in better overall condition, lol. Enjoy the Salton pics, CHEERS!!!

Edit: Like I said somewhere in that thread, one day, long after I'm dead and the Salton Sea has vanished from the face of the planet (due to bad management, courtesy of scumbag politicians and corrupt water district officials), that Crudweiser photo will make me FAMOUS... meh, better late than never, lol.
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The link works for me. Beautiful shots! Sailing a Laser in those waters must have been a thrill ride.
Oh, man, you wouldn't BELIEVE the freedom out there in the islands... those islands (and Isla Norte in particular) were my spiritual home for decades, I dug sailing out there on countless voyages. Of course, those seal & sea lion rookeries are like buffet tables for Great White Sharks, and specimens weighing roughly two tons have been pulled from those waters... so I always hunkered down in the cockpit as I neared the islands, just so I didn't tempt any hungry Great Whites from macking my @$$ while I was hiking out, lol. Awesome venue, Isla Norte, didja read the linked story? Most sailors would prefer Catalina, or some other island with facilities & services, but I don't run with the thundering herd, so I always preferred the solitude found on Los Coronados... no different from boondocking in remote wilderness areas, ya just gotta bring everything with ya, and pack all yer trash out afterwards.
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Just wanted to add that my handle here is from an old song by Henry Rollins & Black Flag... evidently, my first two choices of handle were already taken. I usually go by "Railsplitter" or "The Railsplitter" in trucking forums, and I go by "Sidewinder" in the dirt biking forums, as I've been known to get sideways in the dirt on occasion, lol. Meh, no worries, I've been banned multiple times under each handle, never bothered to count and see which handle received the most bans, lol. Those bans usually occurred after I expressed political views, so I'm gonna make an effort NOT to express those views here, lol. Comments about scumbag politicians being taken out and shot (or hung with friggin' piano wire) are not generally accepted by those with... er... different views, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Oh, yeah, my preferences in hardcore punk rock back in the day generally included the Pistols, DK, Black Flag, Dag Nasty, and a few other choice groups, lol... many folks perceived punk rock as nothing more than bellyaching, but it's funny to see that the punkers were mostly RIGHT in their observations, lol. Me dear beloved mum played violin with Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra in post-WWII years, and she taught us to appreciate music of all kinds or genres... which is why you'll hear me play old school rock & roll one minute (The Mighty Zep, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, The Who, etc.), classical tunes from Mozart the next, with reggae, punk rock, redneck country tunes, etc., eventually thrown into the mix. Meh, ya only live once, unless ya believe in religion or reincarnation, so I say live it up & listen to some music!

Now, if someone were to tell me: "YOU'LL BE SHOT IN 5 MINUTES, PICK A TUNE!!!" I would forgo all the previously-mentioned groups or composers and go with 'UNCHAINED MELODY' by The Righteous Brothers. That song has SO MUCH SOUL, it is awesome! And I like soul music too, as well as the old school blues, not so much the modern rap, lol. I've cranked John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, B.B. King and Howlin' Wolf right alongside (or in between) hardcore punk rock tunes, lol. And if you wanna hear my list of badass guitarists, well, that list would include Johnny Winter, Rory Gallagher, Jimmy Page, Angus Young, Slash, Ottmar Liebert, Carlos Montoya & Andres Segovia... those flamenco guitarists are BAD@$$!!! But I like mellow tunes too, especially while camping in remote areas, lol.

I could go on here, but I reckon y'all know the story, lol... I don't frequent developed campgrounds much anymore, too many rules & regs to observe, and that whole wheel-to-wheel business in RV parks is beyond me. I'm the kinda guy who would gladly take the extra trouble to find remote BLM campsites where I can pretty much do as I please, AYE? I know there are some guides available which narrow down these remote boondocking areas, but I can tell y'all right now that there are places in the White Mountains and here by the Stronghold in Arizona where a hand can boondock for weeks on end without being hassled. And I may wind up doing just that here pronto, the future is uncertain and I ain't no goddam fortune teller, yeah? So we'll see, at least some of you heroes have field experience, lol.


P.S. Rory Gallagher was one helluva guitar player, Rolling Stone Magazine once asked Jimi Hendrix how it felt to be the world's greatest guitar player, and Jimi replied, "I DON'T KNOW, GO ASK RORY GALLAGHER!!!" Lol, that's some pretty funny $h!t, coming from Jimi Hendrix, AYE? Meh, here's a link to my favorite Rory Gallagher tune, he was one helluva hand on the guitar, no doubt about it. And this video has some gritty waterfront shots in it as well, so it earns BONUS POINTS in my estimation, lol. I'm the kinda guy who is ALL ABOUT BOAT RIDES of one sort or another, whether it's a kayak or canoe in one region, a bad@$$ sailboat in another, or a full-on powerboat with plenty o' ponies right there with the throttle(s) on the dash. WTF can I say? I LIKE boat rides, LOL. CHEERS!!!

A Million Miles Away
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Just wanted to add that my handle here is from an old song by Henry Rollins & Black Flag... evidently, my first two choices of handle were already taken. I usually go by "Railsplitter" or "The Railsplitter" in trucking forums, and I go by "Sidewinder" in the dirt biking forums, as I've been known to get sideways in the dirt on occasion, lol. Meh, no worries, I've been banned multiple times under each handle, never bothered to count and see which handle received the most bans, lol. Those bans usually occurred after I expressed political views, so I'm gonna make an effort NOT to express those views here, lol. Comments about scumbag politicians being taken out and shot (or hung with friggin' piano wire) are not generally accepted by those with... er... different views, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Oh, yeah, my preferences in hardcore punk rock back in the day generally included the Pistols, DK, Black Flag, Dag Nasty, and a few other choice groups, lol... many folks perceived punk rock as nothing more than bellyaching, but it's funny to see that the punkers were mostly RIGHT in their observations, lol. Me dear beloved mum played violin with Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra in post-WWII years, and she taught us to appreciate music of all kinds or genres... which is why you'll hear me play old school rock & roll one minute (The Mighty Zep, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, The Who, etc.), classical tunes from Mozart the next, with reggae, punk rock, redneck country tunes, etc., eventually thrown into the mix. Meh, ya only live once, unless ya believe in religion or reincarnation, so I say live it up & listen to some music!

Now, if someone were to tell me: "YOU'LL BE SHOT IN 5 MINUTES, PICK A TUNE!!!" I would forgo all the previously-mentioned groups or composers and go with 'UNCHAINED MELODY' by The Righteous Brothers. That song has SO MUCH SOUL, it is awesome! And I like soul music too, as well as the old school blues, not so much the modern rap, lol. I've cranked John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, B.B. King and Howlin' Wolf right alongside (or in between) hardcore punk rock tunes, lol. And if you wanna hear my list of bad@$$ guitarists, well, that list would include Johnny Winter, Jimmy Page, Pete Townsend, Angus Young, Ottmar Liebert, Carlos Montoya & Andres Segovia... those flamenco guitarists are BAD@$$!!! But I like mellow tunes too, especially while camping in remote areas, lol.

I could go on here, but I reckon y'all know the story, lol... I don't frequent developed campgrounds much anymore, too many rules & regs to observe, and that whole wheel-to-wheel business in RV parks is beyond me. I'm the kinda guy who would gladly take the extra trouble to find remote BLM campsites where I can pretty much do as I please, AYE? I know there are some guides available which narrow down these remote boondocking areas, but I can tell y'all right now that there are places in the White Mountains and here by the Stronghold in Arizona where a hand can boondock for weeks on end without being hassled. And I may wind up doing just that here pronto, the future is uncertain and I ain't no goddam fortune teller, yeah? So we'll see, at least some of you heroes have field experience, lol.

LOL, sounds a lot like me way back yonder when there wasn't a lot of people on Earth.;) cept the hard rock stuff, But this place has a large number here of opinionated folks on politics, with the port rail pretty darn close to taking on water.:p So either you are in bad company or good company, take your pick. But that's masked most of the time.
I don't get out to Ca. anymore. But I have friends that tuna fish down to the south. We are boondocking most of the summer in most of the isolated areas. But unless the fuel gets too high, I imagine the roads will be filled to the shoulders in most places. I am looking foward to reading your additional posted links. Cheers and beers,,,,
Well, I thank ya, I copy that bit about the port rail, lol... too bad it has to be that way, but I'm just looking to ride out my time on this planet, 10-4? I'm at an age (59 in June) where I just wanna chillax and do without ALL the goddam political bullsh!t, YEAH? I can't change the world on my own, and it takes one helluva lot more money than I have to tackle the GODDAM FRAUDULENT CORRUPTION. That's all there is to it, lol, and I think about sailing off to foreign waters and peddling my U.S. citizenship to islanders who have NO CLUE about the situation here, and good luck to 'em when they realize they got the sh!tty end of the stick or bargain, AYE? But I haven't done that YET... though the option is STILL on the table, lol. CHEERS!!!
Here's a link to 'Unchained Melody' by The Righteous Brothers, what a cool tune from back in the day, lol...

Unchained Melody

Let me add that once the tune was over, despite the remaining time in the threat made, I would go ahead and say:


That way I wouldn't have to sit around for approximately one minute-and-a-half waiting on a bullet...


Meh, there's a POSITIVE side to death: no more taxes and no more scumbag politicians, lol. It's a WIN-WIN situation, don'tcha know??? CHEERS!!!
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