Recent content by -Tim-

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. T

    new to forum

    Lost track of forums user name and password. not just this one. We've been rving for 15yrs or so. Started with a Bigfoot slide on, to a 29ft Triple E Commander to a 2005 Tiffin Allegro 32BA. We are retired and our home is in Connecticut. We are snowbirds. We go to a co-op called Tropic Isles in...
  2. T

    Semi rookie

    Hi I've been a member for a few years but after many unsuccessful attempts to log in I've registered again. I was TimfmCt but for whatever reason - - -probably user error- - - I could not log in. I've been RVing for years and we currently have an 05 Tiffin Allegro 32BA
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