Albuquerque balloon Fiesta

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2017
Does anyone on the forum attend this event or know where there's boondocking for 2024, or is it too late to even think of attending?
Look at the online site for the balloon fiesta. There might be sites available. There are some other nearby sites that run busses too. It is really a treat to watch, so it is worth some hassle to get there. We lived in Albuquerque for about 5 years, and we worked at a company right next to the old balloon field (it has since moved a bit north). We would sit in the parking lot and watch for hours.
Having been to the fiesta a couple of times (and double checking with my DW) - I'd be quite surprised if there was unfilled boondocking within 30 miles of Albuquerque during the fiesta.

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I'd also suggest contacting the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish as they provide some maps to help visitors hunting, fishing and other recreation.

Lastly, if you intend to attend the ballon fiesta grounds, we highly recommend getting a camping spot AT THE FAIRGROUNDS - otherwise you'll be up at 4:00 to get to a bus pickup point to wait in line to get taken to the fairgrounds where you will wait in line to get into the fiesta and then join the crowds and enjoy. (Eat the breakfast burritos and bring winter clothing!)

Here's a view from inside out MH when camped inside the fiesta.

Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 9.23.28 AM.png
Seems like renting out space to out of town RV's would be a prime business opportunity but I haven't come across much of that. If you plan it in advance you might score a spot somewhere within 50 miles of town but I know the ones near the fiesta sell out literally within minutes of being available. Even the cancellation lists fill up quickly. Nothing would probably be better than to have your RV within walking distance of the field but that will be pretty spendy for some of the lots. If you're not close enough to walk then being a ways out doesn't make much difference, you're slogging around in a toad or taking the shuttles just like everyone else.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
That fiesta sure has changed/grown since I left there (and they did away with alternating with "Balloon Races"). When Sid Cutter started it back in '72 it was held at the fair grounds, eventually moving north somewhat, and even when I left in '82 you still didn't have to have reservations 10 years in advance and to put up with half the population of ABQ within 100 feet (well, perhaps a tad of exaggeration here), but it was still just pick up and go, for those of us living there.

Here's a shot of DW and son at the fairgrounds in Feb 1972.
Escapees reserves a group site close by every year and puts on a week long event. Tickets usually go on sale in the summer.
Does anyone on the forum attend this event or know where there's boondocking for 2024, or is it too late to even think of attending?
Tony if you are retired/ 100% disabled veteran, consider staying at Kirtland AFB famcamp.
They have spaces available and they run a shuttle bus 2X a day to the entrance. When we did that the shuttle was $2 ea each trip. Sure beat driving in that traffic then finding a parking spot.
Tony if you are retired/ 100% disabled veteran, consider staying at Kirtland AFB famcamp.
They have spaces available and they run a shuttle bus 2X a day to the entrance. When we did that the shuttle was $2 ea each trip. Sure beat driving in that traffic then finding a parking spot.
Thanks Ray, but although retired, I am not a veteran.
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