Born Free camper

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New member
Nov 2, 2005
Hi everyone, I'm new here, I need some advices about a camper that I bought a few weeks ago. It's a Born free camper, it sit on top of a pickup trup 1 ton. It's longer than the truck bed, 6 feets longer as his own wheels. I wonder if somebody know a dealer specialise in this type of camper Born Free to help me to fix it. I cannot found where I am in Ohio around Cleveland. thanks everyone for your time and help. Any help and suggestions will be great and I will appreciate.
Vero ::)
Running a Google search on your Born Free slide-in camper, it appears that it is an orphan the production of which ceased in 1983.  The maker, Dodgen Industries still makes a line of Class C motor homes.  I fear you are not going to find a dealership that specializes in the camper.  Maybe you can dig up a repair shop that handles a general line of campers.
I think yo may have to contact Dodgen for their recommendations as tow whom to use in OH. Or, you may need to go to Iowa and have them do it. they've a great factory and service center and the tour is very interesting. Wehn fixed up you'll have a good unit!

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