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Jan 16, 2013
As geezerdom sets upon us we finally get another RV and have left the one place syndrome. Been lurking for long time, but committed now-as in" someone is living our old house". Still sending wisecracks to those left in Indiana. No definite plans except Quarzsite. Setting in Phoenix waiting on repair from a storm as I type. Trying to adjust to a class C, our others were A's. Anxious to meet folks and look for Ideas on full timing. Love coffee, each other and anyone who smiles a lot.- oh' and dogs- they made me put that in and wanted it first, but I told them the ink was already dry.   
Is a geezerdom the same as a kingdom, only run by a geezer?  ;) 

I had thought about renting my house out and living in my MH.  Certainly it is something I'd like to do while I'm still young enough to enjoy doing some major hikes.  So besides coffee, smiling, and dogs, what do you want to see or do in the next year? 

(Besides ruling over your geezer subjects that is.)
In my kingdom they call me Your Geezerness or Ron or heyyou. We have discussed working at a state/ federal park and are looking into it. Thinking seriously of something in Washington state. Have daughter/son in law in Seattle so would be fun to see them . The whole workcamper thing is interesting and could be fun. I was always a 60 hour a week so when I quit working, started doing lots of volunteer stuff, so I have to be busy. My wife is pretty happy not going to work, but enjoys tools and ripping stuff apart. We've lived a lot of places and always find new people and interesting places. Main goal is no cold winters, we enjoy site seeing, finding the hole in the wall places to eat ( like the diners, drive-ins and dives show has). We found we had eliminated most of our bucket list b y they way we choose to live so we are using the internet and the people we meet to do our schedule of things to see. We have had multiple properties at one time, so if you think you might want to do this I can probably save you some grief.
Ron and Kathy
Appears that you folks are in your face fun! Welcome!

I'm heading to Quartzsite tomorrow... hope to see you folks there.

      Washington State is a nice place to see in the summer.  The State Parks are seriously short of campground hosts.  Deception Pass State Park is very nice and only about 70 miles from Seattle.  Liking some rain is a plus but it's not that bad in July/ August. 
Well, Your Geezerness, I believe you're going to have a blast!  There are many wonderful people on here that not only full time it, but work camp it as well.  Some of the photos posted show they always welcome another smile as well.  Quartsite has been getting close to freezing, so may your smile warm the place up.  Enjoy the journey!
Oh Mighty Geezerness! Welcome to the forum and enjoy going to QZ. I have to admit that I am jealous, I really wish I could make it this year.

Irover said:
brockmanRV: You better keep an eye on the wife with the tool addiction and that Rv you just got!!!  ;D Oh; And Welcome to the Community RV Framily.
To late-She already ripped out the the built in Dinette...
Welcome !
If you pass through Bouse (on HWY 72 about 25 miles north of Q) or get over this way, feel free to stop by site 62 in Coyote Ridge RV park and say hi. It's right off the highway.
It's close enough to drive into Q for lunch or whatever but is out of the hustle, bustle, and traffic of Q.
Clay....I trust you are enjoying Bouse as much as we did last year. Like you,we too prefer to stay out of the hussle of Q. Easy drive to Walmart in Parker. We,re missing Silly Al,s pizza in Q more than anything else this year. Enjoy .
Becks said:
Clay....I trust you are enjoying Bouse as much as we did last year. Like you,we too prefer to stay out of the hussle of Q. Easy drive to Walmart in Parker. We,re missing Silly Al,s pizza in Q more than anything else this year. Enjoy .

The fish and chips at the Grubstake is still really good. Not something you would expect inland but the English guy knew (it appears he is gone) what he was doing.
Clay....You are correct, I forgot about the Grubstake. We always hit that at least twice while there as well, for the very large fish fillets. Enjoy
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