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It just struck me it has been a long time since I renewed.  Is there a web site I can go to and check the current status of my license?
Smoky said:
It just struck me it has been a long time since I renewed.  Is there a web site I can go to and check the current status of my license?

If you are an ARRL member they will remind you in time for renewal, If you operate you are required to have a copy of your license with you,  This is why the FCC now provides two copies of the license (wall and wallet)

I do not know if the FCC web site or the Buckmaster site will tell you when it expieres

The buckmaster (www.buck.com) site should tell you when you were first licensed though  If that helps

Just checked my own call on both the Buckmaster and the FCC websites and in both cases date of issue and expiration were listed...


Tha's my call, change the callsign at the end and you get..... Your info
Thanks John, I did as you said and found I am current, but under my maiden name, not my mariied name. I was the first male ever in the United States to take my wife's name without a court order, doing it the same way a woman does, via social security card change.  I had to file a discrimination case in the 1980s to pull it off.  Any male can do it now.  I also see my old Maryland address is still shown.  Looks like I have to file a name change AND an address change, but then I fear I will lose my old classic W3PY call letters.  I wonder if I could use my son's address in Maryland to keep my old call sign?
Smoky said:
I am current, but under my maiden name, not my mariied name. I was the first male ever in the United States to take my wife's name without a court order, doing it the same way a woman does, via social security card change.  I had to file a discrimination case in the 1980s to pull it off.  Any male can do it now.  I also see my old Maryland address is still shown.  Looks like I have to file a name change AND an address change, but then I fear I will lose my old classic W3PY call letters.  I wonder if I could use my son's address in Maryland to keep my old call sign?

[Deleted by Administrator]

You can use any address to renew a license.  Call signs are no longer restricted to geographical areas.

Smoky said:
Looks like I have to file a name change AND an address change, but then I fear I will lose my old classic W3PY call letters.

So, now we know your real name (Dennis)....

As Phil said, they allow you to move and keep the same call now... They still assign original calls based on what state you live in,, Ie: Someone living here in Michigan would be something like __8___ (with the usuall 1 or 2 up front and 2 or 3 after the 8) and someone in CA would have a six.. But if you move you keep your call now days.

Well actually that is my maiden name.  I was the first male in the United States to take my wife's name in the same manner that women used to take a man's name, simply by changing the social security card without having to go get a special court order.  I threatened a discrimination case and the Social Security Administration backed down and I became a precedent.  :eek:

Phil, would you mind deleting the name and address from your message?  I have personal reasons for not wanting that shown on the web.  However it is good news that I can keep that call sign.  It appears all I need to do is put in a change of address and change of name.

So Phil, does that mean we can no longer identify the home state of a ham via the prefix?
Smoky said:
Phil, would you mind deleting the name and address from your message?

Done Smoky. Hope Phil doesn't mind me editing his message.
Thanks Tom.  Phil has been very helpful, actually, and I had completely forgotten about all the changes I need to make on my license.  The call W3PY is a rare call sign, and I want to do my best to keep it.  I am glad I can give a new address and not lose it.  In the old days, the 3 meant you had to live in Maryland, DC, or PA I believe.

Phil, I was really taken back by how much I would have to spend for a small hf rig.  Including antenna, it would have cost me over a thousand dollars.  So now I am very much in the market for a used rig.  HRO did not have any used in stock when i was there.
I am keeping my WA1RI call in FL, although I still need to get to the FCC to change address.  They haven't had to change for area in quite some time now.  We had a KH6 in RI that used to cause a stir everytime he came on.  He was a pain anyway, just enjoyed it I guess. 

So, you were the precedent on that.  Interesting.  Is maiden name the proper term though?  Bachelor name?  Semantic help in order I guess.

Used rigs, check eBay, I have done quite well, and if you have VHF check withthe guys onthe local repeater.  eBay transactions have gone very well for me.  Check the sellers feedback, to be sure look for guys with at least a 50 and be sure they have 100%.  Watch for a Buy it Now tag, this will let you know how much it will cost without getting caught up in the bidding or being frustrated by getting outbid at the last second.

I have an Icom 746-Pro that I am very happy with.  A 706 Mk II G is a great buy.  You could buy a used one for around $500 plus a new High Sierra antenna and be mobile HF for under 1K. 

The 706 is a great radio, but to be happy, make sure it is at the Mk II G level.  There were 3 levels of the rig.  706, 706 MkII and 706 Mk II G

The High Sierra is a great mobile antenna I am using for home now.  It is adjustable remotely from 6 to 80m.  Get good gronding system and away you go. 


"Maiden name" seems to be the only term everyone understands without an explanation, though it gets a lot of laughs.  ;D

What extras does the Mk II G offer over the stripped down 706s?

Did you get your Pro new or from eBay?

There is a HAMFEST (radio gear swapmeet) in Glendale (Phoenix suburb) on January 14, 6am-2pm, at the Glendale Community College, 6000 West Olive Ave (59th and Olive).  Phone Steve Grouse at 623-521-1036 or email "[email protected]" for further information.

Probably all sorts of reasonably priced used, and sometimes new, ham gear there.

Happy hunting!

--Steve, NO7V

Thanks Steve.  That is not too far from here.  I will try to get there, though by the 14th we will be getting ready for QZ.
The MkII-G offers 440 as well plus the DSP functions.  Other features as well, Oh yeah also higher power on the UHF, VHF bands.  Really great little radio.  I got my 746Pro from a friend.  Traded my 706 MkIIG plus antenna for the Pro.  He needed something smaller, I needed something for my desk at home, was not usinng it to the best advantage in mobile situation.

I have bought other radios on eBay, no problems at all.  I feel better buying on eBay than at a swap meet.  eBay you have recourse, swap meet, unless you know the guyy it could be anything.  Just watch bidding doesn't go nuts.

Check their feedback score.  Mine is 157 right now at 100%.  You find a guy with a 10 and 70%, beware, or with only a 1 or 2, watch careful. 


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