Overdue Introduction

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

David W.

Apr 19, 2024
Hello all! As the title suggests, I joined awhile ago, and have been tardy in introducing myself. My SO and I are absolute newbies and are planning to be full time for the foreseeable future. We have been stationary in the Northeast since early July, but are anticipating moving on within the month.
Welcome to the forum.

What made you decide to go full time?

Have you been living in your camper since early July?

Waving at you!
David and SO, Glad you found your way here. When you can assemble a question, bring it to our Wednesday campfire aka chat room here at 6PM eastern. We typically have about an half a dozen people sitting around and more than half have some significant experience that they are willing to share. If you can't phase a question, you can come anyway and try to ask something so stupid that none as ever actually asked it. We all started RVing at some point.
Welcome to the forum.

What made you decide to go full time?

Have you been living in your camper since early July?

Waving at you!
Hi, Thanks!

It was an idea we’d been kicking around awhile, but circumstances hastened it along a little. Yes, we’ve been in the camper since July. Honestly, it hasn’t been as much of an adjustment as we’d anticipated. We still have a lot to learn though.
Hi, Thanks!

It was an idea we’d been kicking around awhile, but circumstances hastened it along a little. Yes, we’ve been in the camper since July. Honestly, it hasn’t been as much of an adjustment as we’d anticipated. We still have a lot to learn though.
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