The Far Green Country. Prime video

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2010
Southern California
If you need a break from the Coronavirus insanity.  Watch this short, hour and 9 mins, movie which chronicles the journey of a young family looking to renew their interest in living lifes adventure.
Thanks. Amazon is the only streaming service I have and I'm always looking for new viewing experiences.
garyb1st said:
If you need a break from the Coronavirus insanity.  Watch this short, hour and 9 mins, movie which chronicles the journey of a young family looking to renew their interest in living lifes adventure.

Definitely worth at least a look. Thanks!
For me and the wife, it's always about the adventure and seeing this beautiful country.  All of it. This couple and their 3 year old son do this in a 20 year old non-slide Bounder and if memory serves, they weren't RVers.  Just rented their home and took off.  How I'd love to be able to do that today. 
Thanks for the suggestion!  We watched this last night, though I couldn't help but be fascinated by the guy from Australia!  Want to see a docu on him!!
The reviews are quite interesting. They are  more about the couple, which seemed to overshadow any content. I have not watched it but might look later on this evening, at the least with the sound muted? ;)
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