Hello, I'm a new member from Europe

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Just to report that so far not much has happened re vehicle insurance although 3 enquiries are into various specialist insurance agents.
Just to report that so far not much has happened re vehicle insurance although 3 enquiries are into various specialist insurance agents.
Thanks for the update. Crossing our fingers for you.
The insurance agent I had mentioned to the OP hasn't been able to help another couple from the UK, even though they managed to obtain insurance with Progressive elsewhere.
Glad I didn't mention the broker, I don't like letting people down. Be interested to find out if they help in this case.
Heard from Progressive today, they wrote this:
"Unfortunately, the temporary traveling risk would not be acceptable"

Haven't heard from your broker yet Tony but hope to even if it's a negative answer. There is another company I am waiting to hear from who were the most interested and at least asked for full details, should hear from them this week.

As a last resort I'll have a chat to the shipping agent who will lose a lot of business if people can't get US vehicle insurance for a European vehicle, so still a few more avenues.

Lots has changed with business in general over the last 2 years, I wonder if insurers have become more risk adverse?
I'm not too hopeful I'm afraid. Another couple who have bought a US RV couldn't arrange insurance through the broker I use, but they still secured covet from progressive elsewhere.
I've not gone into detail as to why, it's not really my business, but I am disappointed that they couldn't/didn't want to help.
I'm not too hopeful I'm afraid. Another couple who have bought a US RV couldn't arrange insurance through the broker I use, but they still secured covet from progressive elsewhere.
I've not gone into detail as to why, it's not really my business, but I am disappointed that they couldn't/didn't want to help.

Whatever our outcome I do appreciate you trying to help.
I have to say I don't understand this comment:

"Unfortunately, the temporary traveling risk would not be acceptable"

Surely that is the whole point of the RV insurance!

Hope you find something.
OK, some detail re vehicle insurance which is both logical and understandable.

The shipper's recommended insurance broker has explained they cannot quote until 90 days before vehicle arrival in the US due to not being able to 'bind' the policy with the price quote.

Now this is explained it is understandable, I will re-apply within their time criteria and come back here with more detail.

I think a note explaining the quotation time frame placed both on the shippers website and the insurers would save connfusion.
I can't be the only person who on making such an extensive trip likes to plan a little more than 3 months ahead.
Correction to Post #68

The shipping agents SeaBridge do have a note on the Road Insurance page of their shipping website re quoting for a future journey. It can only happen within 90 days of travel.

"(an exact quotation is only possible 3 months before the start of the insurance)."

My mistake, must do better.
Yes. In fact, I am already mostly packed. Will be taking a carry-on suitcase that I will check and a rolling computer case where I will put my medications and electronics, and other things I cannot afford to have the airline lose. Have also found a storage place for my rig.

I checked car rental prices at several places for a 27-day rental, including Heathrow and Edenburgh airport and downtown, but all were too expensive. I use Enterprise a lot in the U.S., and i found a really good deal in York. Made my reservation way last October, and am hoping they do not realize what a deal they gave me! (Actually, it was just pre-COVID rates, but car rental places are really horrible right now.) Anyway, it pays to shop, and I figured a smaller town would have better rates.

Nice to see overseas travelers are coming back, and hope you solve all the insurance problems.
Thanks for the good wishes, at the moment I feel quite comfortable with the situation with the shipping agents and Insurers.

Will post a separate thread tomorrow re getting around without any other transport other than our 24' motorhome.
Very belated update.

We are still working towards shiping from the UK to the US in November, some preparations are completed, more to start or finalise.
We have changed the shipping route from Liverpool ~> Baltimore to a more southerly one of Southampton ~> Brunswick GA, in the main due to upcoming winter weather.

We are also advised that cargo shipping timetables are in a mess currently due to a few factors, therefore the camper departure on the 22 November cannot be guaranteed and neither can the 6 December arrival either. Both can be days or weeks adrift, excuse the pun. We can factor in a delay far better in a warmer climate, therefore Brunswick as our destination over Halifax NS or Baltimore MD.

At this moment waiting on the shipping agents to confirm our booking then we will a) feel like this is actually happening and b) focus our minds more on our upcoming trip.

The big problem that is difficult to overcome is we are in France and the camper is in the UK so difficult to complete cleaning and preparations while there is a regular 90 day separation, but we are getting there bit by bit.

I hope more regular updates will start soon, and I guess we'll have more questions for experienced RVers on this forum.
I hope more regular updates will start soon, and I guess we'll have more questions for experienced RVers on this forum.
We will look forward to your progress. Questions are what makes a forum interesting so do not hesitate to ask. You might want to start a new thread when you have a question.
We had some very bad news today when attending our Nonimmigrant Visa interview at the US London embassy... we were refused our visas.

I asked for a reason and was given a sheet of paper citing this:

Section 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

I asked the officer again to explain the reason and got "Read Section 214(b)" and walked off.

Once the decision is made by the Immigration Officer it is not possible to appeal, so we are not bringing our motorhome to the USA or know if we will ever be allowed entry again anyway.

The first part of Section 214(b) was marked as the relevant part, we don't have a clue as to why. We both have large close UK families that we stay in regular and frequent contact with and visit often. Our entire income is derived from the UK, we have a small home there too, it's where we grew up and worked for most of our lives.
How that is connected to the reason presented in the 214(b) we don't have the faintest idea, we were not asked a single question related to the reason for refusal.

On cancelling our RoRo booking the shipping agents have suggested South America is more amenable to visitors with motorhomes, but we can't consider anything at the moment as we are still in shock. It is a huge disappointment and also a slur that this officer made a poor judgement of our characters without hardly interviewing us.

Sorry folks, we were so looking forwards to meeting some of you along the way but it is not to be.

Note: I've written this in some detail to help others with the same idea. Get your request for an interview in a year ahead before you make and book definite plans, just in case...

Also we may just have got unlucky that the officer we had may just have had a bad day, but who can tell?
We had some very bad news today when attending our Nonimmigrant Visa interview at the US London embassy... we were refused our visas.
I'm really sorry to hear that, and appreciate you posting that message. It's obviously a judgement call on the part of Embassy staff. But, if they're anything like some US government departments I've dealt with here, it's like "dealing with the Gas Board" as we used to say in the UK in the 60's and 70's.

For whatever reason, the Embassy employee wasn't convinced you planned to return to the UK. Looking at it from the other side, they didn't want to approve entry for someone who might stay here and live off the state. You'd probably have better luck if you went south of the border and swam across the Rio Grand; You'd be welcomed with open arms.

Did the Embassy employee know that you planned to ship your RV here? Maybe they thought you'd live here fulltime in your RV.

Don't give up, and please stay in touch, to keep us updated.

Meanwhile, have you considered coming here and renting or buying an RV after arrival?

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