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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Okay, now I know !

You were sitting around bull$hitting? hahhaah

Lol no... It was sardonic humor in reference to the EV threads around here as of late. Non-EV owners assuming the reason people own EV's is for reasons of virtue-signaling apparently (look at me, I'm saving the earth!). No hot rod purchases this year. We towed our EV to California with us to use for transportation during our stay. With that on our flatbed trailer, there wasn't room to bring home another car. Not that I need another car, although, Don's point, the perfect number of vehicles is n+1.
There’s a huge focus on locally sourced ingredients and the toppings are famously creative, ranging from the popular Honey Badger pizza (topped with pecorino, Calabrese salami, and hot honey) to specials like the Shrimp Scampi Pie (pictured), made with a garlic-infused white sauce, shrimp, chili flakes, and a hint of lemon.

Why is it all these "best of" restaurants serve weird stuff I would never consider eating together as if I am some heathen because I don't choose to mix my Kale with guano, snails and tree moss.

Pizza should have pizza toppings. Sorry that's just who I am - LOL...
Did you see this on the news?
Parthenogenesis is not all that rare. I could name lizard species all day long where there are no males in the entire species.

An example (there are countless others):

Desert Grassand Whiptail lizard.

"The desert grassland whiptail lizard (Aspidoscelis uniparens) is an all-female species of reptiles in North America."
"These reptiles reproduce by parthenogenesis. "

So I am not impressed by a Stingray which reproduces by parthenogenesis. I assume there are many more parthenogenetic animals yet to be discovered.

-Don- Reno, NV
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Did you see this?

Scientists working in the Amazon rainforest have discovered a new species of snake, rumored to be the biggest in the world.
Did you get your house stuff done yet, so you can take a new trip?

Hope all is well.
Did you get your house stuff done yet, so you can take a new trip?
Solar panels still not yet installed at the Auburn house but that will be completed any day now. The rest is all installed, such as the Tesla Powerwall. New roof signed off by the city inspector, all paperwork completed. I am now just waiting for the panels, which could be installed tomorrow or the next day. Not sure when, but it should be very soon. Just in time for the longer sunny days.

I am spending more time in Reno because of an 80-year-old buddy, Bob, who is in very poor heath and cannot even leave the house. He cannot even get to his mailbox from his house. Used to be "BigBob" in this forum but he was not all that active here. He will probably soon be in a nursing home. Bad heart, bad kidney, bad liver as well as other problems. And is diabetic. He does have VA come to his house every couple of days to checkup on him and help him take care of various issues. But I take care of a lot of small things for him, even stuff such as getting his mail and putting his garbage cans outside. I also do some grocery shopping for him, but he mainly uses InstaCart. In fact, I just got back from doing all three of the things I listed above.

Bob had a heart attack a few months after his wife (Vivian) died late in year 2018 (probably related) just a few days B4 Xmas. He has been going downhill fast ever since.

That's why all my trips to Auburn lately have only been for a day or two lately.

Bob & I used to go on many motorcycles rides together. Those days are long gone.

Tom & I was close friends of Bob & Vivan for many years. Tom died about a year and a half before Vivian.

-Don- Reno, NV
Did you get your house stuff done yet,
I just now received this email:

"Update from V3 Electric: We have approved an estimate for the subcontracted work on your solar project. Either V3 Electric or our subcontractor NRG Pros will reach out to schedule this job within two weeks. Thank you!
V3 Electric"

-Don- Reno, NV
I'm glad that Bob has you as a TRUE friend.

Hubby and I are sending hugs to you.
I'm glad that Bob has you as a TRUE friend.

Hubby and I are sending hugs to you.
Bob & I normally send an email to each other every night and morning. I didn't hear from him last night nor this morning.

I would have gone over there sooner, but often he forgets to send me an email so I didn't think anything of it until he missed a couple in a row and nothing for several hours past the time I usually hear from him.

So I went over there and found Bob on the floor, and he couldn't get up. A little blood on the floor as well. He could talk fine but he has no idea how he got there or for how long he has been on the floor.

So I called 9-1-1 and Bob was taken via ambulance to the local hospital.

I doubt if he will ever be back at home again. After the hospital, I assume he will be in a nursing home.

-Don- Reno, NV
Did you see this?
And did you know:

"There were 31,000 reported cases of Lyme disease in Maryland between the years 2000 and 2020. Unfortunately, Maryland is one of a dozen states where most Lyme disease cases happen. Moreover, roughly one-third of deer ticks in Maryland carry several diseases including Lyme disease. Lastly, the most common ticks that you will find in Maryland are the black-legged tick, the American dog tick, and the Lone Star tick."

-Don- Reno, NV

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