Buying a used EV

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The price of a used EV has dropped 10x the rate of used ICE vehicles. Is now the time to buy one?
Did you miss my thread here?

IMO, it's the perfect time. Tesla is probably the most common car seen on the road out here. So many of them that price would have to drop just because of the large number.

My 2018 Tesla is now about worthless to anybody but me. Do I care? Nope, and mine is not for sale and never will be.

-Don- Auburn, CA
I don't see anyone talking about the fact that the automotive market is tumbling as a whole. We're up to $10k off and <3% APR financing incentive rates on full-size gas pickups in the $55k range again. What is this, the recession?

Tesla is taking a very serious beating, however, but IMO their cars were extremely overpriced to begin with. It's because of their former ability to pump out production compared to other automakers, and the exclusivity of their reliable charging network. Other automakers have access to that now, and there are many EV choices in the market other than Tesla.

There have been some very sobering write-ups on particular demographic groups who have abandoned consideration of Tesla and have purchased other branded EV's instead.
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Info isn’t of any use to me. I don’t buy used cars. Don’t know anything about cars so stick to new ones.
You don't need to know much about the EV itself just to drive it. A lot less things to worry about than ICE vehicles.

But it is different in many ways, such as perhaps needing to learn a little about charging. But at home, just plug it in with whatever cable comes with the EV. A 240 outlet is best, if such an adapter or cable comes with the EV. You can buy the whatever adapter you need on Amazon. If you want faster home charging, do what I did and install one of these thingies instead. Not needed if you charge overnight as do most. I often charge up during the day as I am doing other things. Such as charge up as I am getting things ready to go back to Reno.

Tesla is just as easy to charge at their superchargers but the Tesla account for the car needs to be transferred correctly. And even if not, it only means the seller will be paying for all your charging!

There really isn't much else to know, I would say you're less likely to get a lemon buying a used EV than a used ICE. Besides, any little issue or problem will most likely show up right on the screen.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Tesla is taking a very serious beating,
When I was at the Tesla place in Rocklin, CA yesterday, the place was packed with people. And that was on a weekday. Sure, didn't look bad unless everybody was also just looking as I was with the Cybertrucks. But all the Tesla salesmen were busy with people waiting for them, so it had to be more than just people looking.

-Don- Auburn, CA
When I was at the Tesla place in Rocklin, CA yesterday, the place was packed with people. And that was on a weekday. Sure, didn't look bad unless everybody was also just looking as I was with the Cybertrucks. But all the Tesla salesmen were busy with people waiting for them, so it had to be more than just people looking.

-Don- Auburn, CA

The drop in Tesla sales kind of speaks for itself. Unless you think those numbers are made up.
Today's Las Vegas News-Review says Tesla is laying off 10% of it's global workforce (over 14,000 people) due to slumping sales including 3,300 in California, 2700 in Texas and 700 at it's Nevada battery gigafactory.

Musk said, "“it is extremely important to look at every aspect of the company for cost reductions and increasing productivity.”

Tesla to lay off nearly 700 in Nevada as car sales slump
Today's Las Vegas News-Review says Tesla is laying off 10% of it's global workforce (over 14,000 people) due to slumping sales including 3,300 in California, 2700 in Texas and 700 at it's Nevada battery gigafactory.
Yeah, I saw that also. But I wonder how fast they will need all those workers back, especially now with the extra high gasoline prices.

OTOH, I hear a large load of cheap Chinese EVs are coming to the USA. If not already here.

It looks like my prediction that EVs will soon be cheaper than ICE could already be here.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Tesla stock is down almost 41% compared to last year. I sure hope Q2 ends on a better note.
BYD has been producing electric buses in the US for over a decade. They purchased the Rexhall RV factory in Lancaster, CA, converted it from RV to bus production and retained owner Bill Rex to run it. This lets them do enough of the assembly in the USA to get around import tariffs. I'd expect them to do the same with their cars if they decide to enter the US market and tariffs become an issue.
Did you miss my thread here?

IMO, it's the perfect time. Tesla is probably the most common car seen on the road out here. So many of them that price would have to drop just because of the large number.

My 2018 Tesla is now about worthless to anybody but me. Do I care? Nope, and mine is not for sale and never will be.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Yep, I missed that Don, sorry for duplicating your thread.

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