2013 Summer Geocaching RV tour

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Active member
Oct 28, 2006
My wife and I are full time RVers who love to Geocache. We plan to do a caching tour this summer. We would like to do some power trails including, but not limited to Route 66, The ET Highway and the League of Idaho Caches in Idaho. We are currently in Mesa AZ and should be heading north sometime in early April. We would like to find at least one other couple who would like to join us for this great adventure. We are somewhat flexible as far as the route and dates go. Our motor-home can only accommodate two. If you would like to join us for all or part of this trip, let us know.
Have you done the SWAG Bucks 101 power run near Yuma? We did 18 yesterday and may go back for more on Sunday.

What's the League of Idaho Caches? Haven't heard of that one.

Sounds like great fun.  We have only done caches in the Southeast.  Our favorites were on Jekyll Island.  Took us to some great parts of the island that we would not have discovered otherwise.  :)
We live in Edmond OK, just off Route 66.  We ride the route regularly on our Harley.  It's a great road with lots of
history and more than a few good eating houses.  Get in touch while you're in the area, we may join you for a day
of geo-cache / exploring, if we're not off in our RV somewhere. . . . .  THE Big Larry

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