Avoiding popup trailer mice damage.

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Sep 7, 2021
Years ago, I owned a Viking 2360 popup trailer. The mice destroyed the canvas. I am leaning towards another popup trailer, but buy am very hesitant for obvious reasons. Is there any good way to avoid this mice damage problem? I would be willing to remove the canvas and cushions from the unit at the end of the season and keep them in my basement. Would this be a realistic solution?
Thanks, Paul
Google a mouse bucket trap. Last winter I caught 19 mice which would have a free reign on my rig. I virtually had no mice crap.
I've been using Fresh Cab packets in our popup, don't know if they actually work or we've just been lucky, but in the 5 years we've owned the pup, we've not had a mouse problem. It spends the winter parked out in a pasture, but no problems so far (knocks on wood).
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I've been using Fresh Cab packets in our popup, don't know if they actually work or we've just been lucky, but in the 5 years we've owned the pup, we've not had a mouse problem. It spends the winter parked out in a pasture, but no problems so far (knocks on wood).
Did you have problems before you started using the packs and was the pup parked in the same area?
I've been using the Fresh Cab packets since we first bought the pup, so I can't say I had a prior problem with it, but we do have a lot of mice in the area, & yes, it has been parked in the same spot every winter.
The only way they can damage the canvas is from the inside, and being a popup there can only be so many points of ingress. One of the first things I did with my popup was to pull it up onto car ramps, crawl underneath, look for damage and do preventive maintenance. Looking for gaps, cracks and holes there and all around the rest of the camper would preclude the measures you'd take to repel them, which doesn't really solve the problem if there's an opportunity for them to gain entry.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Never ever leave anything than mice can eat in the trailer not salt,pepper,soap anything. We store our trailer at a storage lot. The trailer next to us had 100s of mice in it ( i looked in the window one day and freaked my beans lol) mice can and will survive on shampoo and bath soap, salt pepper and and thing that has a scent, get rid of that and no issues my pop up was 10 yrs old never an issue but my canvas rotted out
Years ago, I owned a Viking 2360 popup trailer. The mice destroyed the canvas. I am leaning towards another popup trailer, but buy am very hesitant for obvious reasons. Is there any good way to avoid this mice damage problem? I would be willing to remove the canvas and cushions from the unit at the end of the season and keep them in my basement. Would this be a realistic solution?
Thanks, Paul
I was watching a car customizing show and they advertised a product that used sound and strobes to make long-stored cars inhospitable to critters. Should work just as well in RV
I’m a new Aliner owner. Spiders / other bugs & mice / rats having a free for all in my camper when stored in a friend’s field was a major concern so I started researching and found many swearing by peppermint oil. The recommended method is either soaking cotton balls with undiluted oil and spreading them around or mixing two teaspoons in a cup of water & spraying. I opted for spraying, but went a bit stronger with my mixture (6 tsp in 1.5 cups of water) and sprayed the perimeter of the inside, inside the cupboard under the sink, the “basement” storage, even a bit on the outside perimeter & tires. Went by after 3 weeks to check that the scent hadn’t faded / to reapply if needed and when I opened it up, there was still a fairly strong scent and no evidence
of any bugs, mice or rats.

As others have said, no food storage when not being used (not even in Tupperware). If it’s not in a tin can, don’t keep it in the rv during storage, no soap, hygiene supplies, etc.
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