Casting flies in WY again

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Jan 13, 2005
After a gap of almost 2 years, today I was glad to be casting flies on the Salt River in Star Valley, WY. This was more of an opportunity to re-engage casting/presentation skills. checking out gear, and checking out conditions. Water was clear, but running a little high & fast. Looking forward to checking out some of the numerous streams/creeks.

Have a 'serious' fishing day planned for Thursday with SVRR neighbor and prior forum member Tim Lassen. Tim's promised to take me to some locations I haven't previously fished.
Tom, please tell Tim and Marsha hello.  We miss seeing them on the RV Forum!

Will do Ardra. Better still, why not come on up and say hi in person  :)  FWIW the Lassens are two of busiest folks we know; They have stuff going on every day (Marsha especially) and most evenings.
Tom, our trip east fell apart along about Fargo so we turned around and came home.  We're enjoying some unexpected time that we're using to get caught up with ourselves (says she hopefully  ::) ).  Have fun up there!

Sorry to hear that Ardra. Hope it's not a serious medical issue.
No, not at all, Tom.  Thankfully, we're both in excellent health.  It was just that everywhere we wanted to go either had tornados or floods.  Been there, done that, not fun - so we turned around.  Sometimes it just isn't worth it and this trip was one of them.  Some of the people we hoped to visit said it was smart to turn around when we did because they're very soggy with trees falling over, etc.  Another person who lives on Lake St. Clair between Lakes Erie and Huron said the water level was over her seawall and the lake is two feet higher this year than last.  The last time we were in that area we got stuck in the mud in another friend's front yard and needed to have repairs the next day.  We can do without that!

Our doctor says we're the two healthiest people he knows in our age group and to keep doing whatever it is we're doing because it's the right thing.  That's music to our ears!  ;D

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