Chassis Battery

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Even a basic VOM from days of yore were 20K ohms per volt, hard to imagine a meter lower that isn't specifically made as a low Z meter (like a terminated communication/phone/audio test meter). Measuring drops is a basic troubleshooting technique but maybe in the modern age of parts changers it's not something taught anymore. If it's not a code in the ECM, it's not broke...

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
Thanks to all for the great advice, I've had to stop "playing" with my toys and get to some serious stuff around the house...SEPTIC SYSTEM ISSUES!!!!! UGH! I'm going to double check the battery under load again to see what's happening. The battery is 2 years old and reads 13.4 volts sitting. I have a maintainer/charger on it at all times. It probably is a bad connection somewhere, I just need to find it. I will post again when I find the solution. Love this forum!
Okay, this is maddening...went out and performed some more tests and then turned the key and the darn thing started right up!!!! But...the battery tester stated that the battery was bad while it was running.1000001264.jpg1000001263.jpg
Greetings Charger1204,

I'm sure you have done this but I was wondering about the fluid levels in the battery.

Sounds like a connection though.
The fluid levels appear to be OK, the first picture was while it was running and the 2nd was sitting with no load. The battery's got a 3 year free replacement on it. I'm gonna take it back to walleyworld and have them check it just to make sure.
I don't have much faith in those devices, but it does appear that yours was right.
I didn't even know such an item existed. At first, I thought it was saying "internal resistance 3.97 megohms". But then I realized it was milliohms which makes a lot more sense. But I am still trying to figure out how such an item can work to show such things as CCA, etc.

-Don- Auburn, CA
They are made, but those who know what they are doing shouldn't need one. Just make your own load, by turning on a lot of 12volts stuff without the engine running and use any VOM.

Battery load tester:

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This doesn’t count as a low Z METER. It’s a switchable pile.
I have one of these and they work really well, and get hot fast! I forget what the current draw is but probably around 80’ish amps
Would this one count?

-Don- Auburn, CA
I wouldn’t be attempting to test 1000CCA+ battery banks with it. Leave that to the Harbor Freight (or SUN if you can afford it) load tester.

BTW- A very long time ago I met the president of Fluke at CES and tried to sell him on my new company slogan: “If it Works, It’s a Fluke”

I’m still waiting for my check….

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