Cigar, anyone?

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Sep 19, 2012
Airdrie, Alberta Canada
I don't advocate taking up smoking and I don't consider it a healthy habit, but I do feel what it may shave off the back end of my life provides immense serenity and mental relaxation right now.  I have been an avid cigar smoker for over 10 years.  I take time, usually once or twice a week at home, to sit back and reflect on my current situation and enjoy a fine hand rolled stogie.
I never leave home without them, particulalrly when camping.  I have made several acquaintances at various camp spots in the past and am always glad to share if someone is interested as well.  I do shy away from smoking in public spots as I don't want to infringe on anyone's right to NOT smoke.
Anyone else here love to sit around the campfire, watching the stars, enjoying the company of friends and a great cigar?  Let's hear about it!


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    As many of you know, I am a cigar addict, who last had one just short of 5 years ago.  I too, loved to sit by the campfire, with a "good 5 cent" cigar in one hand and a drink/beer in the other.  If, I could have limited my nicotine intake to those times, I would still be enjoying those times, unfortunately, I couldn't so I had to quit before it got me.

I enjoy a good nub cigar once or twice a week while golfing. The wife does not allow them in the motorhome or the cars. She prefers it to be a habit I do when she is not around.
Nothing better than a cigar and a glass of scotch whisky after a full day of relaxation. I'm hoping that whatever health issues come up shorten the length of time I spend in some stinky nursing home. Live life to it's fullest, enjoy the things you enjoy and let the chips fall where they may. I spent 31 years crawling into stinky, smelly buildings that were on fire, walking out on roofs to cut holes with fire underneath me, and taking care of sick people with whatever disease and illness they had, I'm not afraid of a little cigar smoke.

Cigar + scotch = perfect

I smoke em rarely, mostly when we are out in the mountains, occasionally here at home.  And for the past 6 years, there has been an annual 2+ week business trip where a colleague and I indulge our shared interest every night while shooting the breeze and watching traffic outside the hotel.  We also try to guess how many time the speed camera in front of the hotel will fire.  Good times.

Here's to Jose Padron!
PLEASE do not subject your campground neighbors to the odor!  We've had to close our windows more than once because someone decided to smoke outside our RV.  I can tolerate a lot, but definitely abhor the smell of cigarettes and cigars.  If you feel you must smoke them, please do it inside your own rig with the windows closed or find a place away from other people.  It's the considerate thing to do, especially in an area where people are trying to enjoy fresh air.  I'm always amazed when I smell cigarette smoke on a hiking trail because the fragrance of pine trees is so much more pleasant.

I'm with Ardra. I've never smelled a cigar that wasn't obnoxious. The only worse smell that might waft in my windows would be skunk.

I'm convinced to quit smoking cigars because it's offensive to some, but only if you agree to: Ban all campfires, the smoke drifts and makes my coach smell. And all gas and diesel engines. Whenever someone starts one of those, it drifts into my campsite and I have to smell it. And dumping sewage. The smell that drifts across sometimes is very offensive to me. And wild animal poop that I see sometimes on the ground. Ban all animals from ever walking and pooping where I might go. And don't forget the loud talking at night, and driving in after dark with your headlights flashing by my window, and your dog barking at me when I walk past, and.... and.... and...... oh, never wear ANY perfume or scent as that offends me too. I'm allergic you know. I could break out in hives any minute. Heaven help anyone who passes gas, burps or sneezes near me. Do you know how terrible that is?

Because I don't like it, we should ban all those things. My right to never have to be slightly inconvenienced waaaaayyyyyy outweighs any right you have to be happy with whatever you do. I mean, that is the CONSIDERATE thing to do.

I appologize in advance if someone doesn't see the humor in this post.

bucks2 said:
I'm convinced to quit smoking cigars because it's offensive to some, but only if you agree to: Ban all campfires, the smoke drifts and makes my coach smell. And all gas and diesel engines. Whenever someone starts one of those, it drifts into my campsite and I have to smell it. And dumping sewage. The smell that drifts across sometimes is very offensive to me. And wild animal poop that I see sometimes on the ground. Ban all animals from ever walking and pooping where I might go. And don't forget the loud talking at night, and driving in after dark with your headlights flashing by my window, and your dog barking at me when I walk past, and.... and.... and...... oh, never wear ANY perfume or scent as that offends me too. I'm allergic you know. I could break out in hives any minute. Heaven help anyone who passes gas, burps or sneezes near me. Do you know how terrible that is?

Because I don't like it, we should ban all those things. My right to never have to be slightly inconvenienced waaaaayyyyyy outweighs any right you have to be happy with whatever you do. I mean, that is the CONSIDERATE thing to do.

I appologize in advance if someone doesn't see the humor in this post.

Ditto (and I'm not calling my dog).
Another former Addict of both the Scotch and Cigars. I would Happily stand as close as Comfortable and Breath it in for Old Time sake :)
Sorry ... I'm with Wendy and Ardra on the cigar smell.  Aside from being carcinogenic, cigar and cigarette smoke just plain stinks.  Since I was a cigarette smoker for 30 years until quitting in 1989, I'm embarrased for the discomfort I surely caused many people. 

I'm not trying to ban you from smoking those nasty cigars. All I'm asking is that you not smoke where your fumes are going to waft into my RV. I don't really like engine exhaust blowing into my coach either but that's usually (usually) something very short in duration. As for campfires, I expect them when I'm in a campground. Dogs pooping where they shouldn't and not being picked up after? Their owners are bad and should be locked in a room full of dog poop. Strong perfume that blows into my coach? Don't like that either. And don't get me started on hearing someone else's music in my RV. I believe that keeping your smells and your noise in your own campsite is just good manners. But that's just me.

My dad loved a good cigar, he was not a heavy smoker but enjoyed it on special occasions. I still remember the smell.
I tried them while a college student but never really liked them. I woke up after a late night of studying to the butt in an ash tray, the smell was so revolting I never smoked again. As I get older I get increasingly intolerant of tobacco,however  camp fires are one of life's great pleasures as long as I am not down wind.
Wow, I am surprised that this post didn't get out of hand. Both Wendy and Ken appear to be level headed adults and I applaud you both.

I am a weekend cigar smoker and I go to great length to not bother other folks. But I still enjoy the cigar. My wife hates them so I have learned to be considerate of her feelings.

Anyway you all enjoy life and hope to see you all out on the trail.  :) :-\

I enjoy a good cigar and a single malt around a campfire.  I do limit myself to one a week.  I would not enjoy being at a campsite wear my cigar or me if I had an indigestion problem would bother someone.  If My e-z chair is just as close to my neighbors RV as it is to mine I would forgo the campfire too and not stay there too long.
Ever wonder when we became so intolerant. I have been asked in a campground to stop cooking steaks outside as the neighbors were vegans and claimed the smell of meat cooking made them ill (I continued). I have been asked by a neighbor to wait until they left to start our diesel as they did not want their children exposed to carcinogenic fumes (I started the engine and left anyway). I personally do not like campfire smoke and the smell of fish cooking turns my stomach, but I would not dream of asking someone doing those things to modify their behavior. I simply go inside and turn the air conditioning on - if it got too bad I would go elsewhere.
Yea, I'm with Odie on this one, as It does amaze me how intolerant some people can be. There is nothing that I have found that someone can do in a campsite that I cannot get away from if I feel the need to. When I get to a point where I just cannot stand other people's "smells" then I will dry camp in the forest where no one else is around. I appreciate the ability to get away in my rig, the interaction and everything that goes along with being in Rv parks and around people so I guess that makes me quite tolerant. If everyone was the same we wouldn't have anything to complain about and things would be pretty boring!  ;)
We've not yet been to a spot so close to our neighbors which they were bothered by our kids' screaming/noise, campfire smoke, steaks sizzling or cigar smoke.  Sounds as if we've been lucky thus far.  Oh well, I have no plans to stop.
If you EVER smell cigars d enjoy it, please stop by the trailer for a smoke, on me.  The comeraderie in the cigar community is absolutely astounding.  If you don't enjoy it, so be it as we each have our rights.

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