Crossing into Canada with DUI

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There were many ways to avoid service during the draft. One famous or infamous rock legend pooped his pants to get out of being drafted. A reality show star that went into politics claimed he had bone spurs and received 5 deferments. A heavyweight boxing champion courageously just said ?I ain?t going??.  Many went to Canada. My number didn?t come up. But I was almost ?put? into the Marines. Too long a story for here. Ended up joining the AF.
    My point was that from personal experience none of these people who came to Canada were "cowards".  Most held strong beliefs of anti Vietnam War for one of many reasons.  They left family and friends behind with the probability they would never be able to see their country of birth ever again.  As stated previously, those that stayed have become productive individuals and a good part of the Canadian mosaic.
    Nevertheless, none of the foregoing has one tiny bit of connection to the OP's original post.  Nor does it address the stupid bureaucratic BS that occurs by both border services from time to time.  One can only imagine going forward the difficulties Canadian will encounter now that cannabis is legal.  For example, the press has reported that a Canadian woman 36 years ago received a ticket for having 1 joint in her possession and when asked at the border she was honest, and was then told she could not enter the US, at least DUI is a criminal conviction, not a ticket.

We have said on many occasions we would like to go to Canada. Have been close enough to nearly jump across the border but didn?t go. I surely hope there?s nothing in my past that will disqualify me from entering Canada. I don?t remember much from 1969-1975 so there could be something between those years that would hurt my chances.
Bill N said:
I don't applaud them for anything.  Too many seem to think you live in this country and get to pick and choose what you want to do and what you don't want to do.  In a majority of cases that is very true but freedom isn't free and service to your country was required by the laws of the time.  The draft law was being enforced at the time and they sought to evade it.  I will be blunt - it was the cowards that fled and the heroes that served.


Damn that ideology of individual liberty.  A good citizen does what the crown tells him to do and the government knows what is best for you.  Not sure if that is a Hitler quote, Stalin quote, Pol Pot quote, etc.

Doing what you are told to do for fear of reprisals is anything but heroic.  I refer you to the Nuremberg Defense.
Oldgator73 said:
We have said on many occasions we would like to go to Canada. Have been close enough to nearly jump across the border but didn?t go. I surely hope there?s nothing in my past that will disqualify me from entering Canada. I don?t remember much from 1969-1975 so there could be something between those years that would hurt my chances.

For the most part you are probably fine after all this time.  The US also imposes the same types of restrictions on non-citizens coming into the US.  If you have ever been convicted of any felony you can be denied entry. 
Drifterrider said:
For the most part you are probably fine after all this time.  The US also imposes the same types of restrictions on non-citizens coming into the US.  If you have ever been convicted of any felony you can be denied entry.

That's not true. I had a co worker who had an issue. He went to high school back in the late 50's and shortly after graduating, he got a DUI. Fast forward 40 years and he tried to enter Canada to work with me in a paper mill and they stopped him at the border for that DUI. We had to call another employee to come up to the border and they swapped positions.
Look for a lot more whining coming now that Canada has legalized pot.  Just read an article that lays it out straight.  Pot is still illegally federally so if anyone tries to bring it in the pot is not allowed PLUS the person is also refused entry no matter if they dispose of it or not.  State law makes no difference as federal law trumps it.

Oldgator73 said:
Just one more reason to be jealous of Canada.
Canada is not in the same league as us. 

There are more people in just the state of California... than in the whole country of Canada.

if you're going to be jealous of a small country.... pick Monaco,  highest quality of life and no income tax.  :D
Oldgator73 said:
Boy, you got that right. Canada is in a whole different league than us. They are in the major leagues. We got sent back to the minor league.

I am very proud of my country.  Your political views stink in my political view.  But you seem to be able to twist every post into something negative against the present administration. As for the pot issue, I have a daughter and three grandkids living in Canada and those GKs are all in their teens meaning they just get exposed to another form of mind bending drug in addition to alcohol.  I am not happy to see any mind influencing drug legalized anywhere on this planet but especially not just across the border.  Bad days are a coming.


  In order to cool the rhetoric here is a good news story about Day 1 about an enterprising a 9 year old Girl Guide with cystic fibrosis, and what she did after school on Day 1.
  Bill, for what it is worth, and I have no idea if the facts will or do support the claims, one of the main reasons our government changed the law is that they say it will keep cannabis out of the hands of underaged users by pushing the illegal dealers out of the market.  Those of you from states that have legal pot may know better.
  But once more, this string was started about crossing the border with an old DUI, not about politics and more particularly not about draft dodging or pot.  I understand your support of your country, but there is no need to disparage ours because you do not agree with how you want to live your life.  Our 2 countries are similar in a lot of ways, but different in many.  Most Canadians would never want to swap systems and are very proud of our country and our way of life.  I'm sure your Canadian grandkids would be pleased to confirm that with you if you would let them.


Maybe it would timely for this string to be closed as there is no doubt it has become political
one of my favorite quotes 'aboot' Canada...

"Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party." - Robin Williams
so why are you still here.... ???   

oh.. do you have a DUI ? 

( I'll bet that's why Alec Baldwin is still here too  :))...)

:D  it's all just fun...
sightseers said:
so why are you still here.... ???   

oh.. do you have a DUI ? 

( I'll bet that's why Alec Baldwin is still here too  :))...)

:D  it's all just fun...

I don?t think I have a DUI. Like I said in earlier post, I can?t remember much from 1969-1975. Moving is too hard. For 36 years the government moved us (about every three years). I don?t want to do it myself.
    Nah, we didn't want Alec Baldwin, and just to be sure we sent you Justin Bieber to marry his niece.

The one thing you can be pretty sure of with these new laws in Canada, the appropriate questions will now be asked at the primary inspection points whether a Canadian or a returning American is crossing into the USA from Canada. Up until now, those questions were never asked in primary, at least not to me!!
Bill N, do you honestly think your grandkids first got exposed to mind bending drugs on Wednesday? Legalization and regulation became necessary to somewhat control (and tax) an ongoing problem, prohibition didn't work in the 30's and it doesn't work now. Going back to the original question, unless our respective governments get together and work out sensible policies regarding alcohol and recreational drugs nothing will change but I don't see that happening in my lifetime.

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