Does the Amazon Associate Program really make money?

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Mar 14, 2017
Currently in NH
We will become fulltimers in a few months and are thinking about ways to earn a little extra. Like so many others, I have a blog. Lately a number of blogs I read have a link from their site to Amazon. They disclose they are in the associate program and and will earn money if you purchase through that link. I'm just wondering how many people will actually click through. Does anyone have any experience to share on this? Thank you in advance!
Don't know about others, but I always go direct to Amazon to do my searching and review/research. Rarely do I just see an item advertised somewhere and just click & buy, but maybe that's just anal-retentive me.
We created a lot of websites back in the day before we retired, and unless you have an enormous following or user base there is no affiliate program on the Net that you'll make any money at. (Unless you create an app like Pokemon Go) They are not set up for you to make $, they are set up to entice you, and for the advertiser to get a lot of free advertising.

This is just my opinion and what I know of being "in the business".  ;)
Thank you, that pretty much confirms what I thought. The old adage applies - If it sounds too good to be true.....

Gary, my friends just left ONF after volunteering there for the winter. Such a beautiful place!

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