Fishing fines here in Calif.

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Does anyone have any idea what the fines are for fishing violations?  I have heard a lot of rumors, but know no one who has actauuly received a citation.  I hate to admit it but I sometimes 'break the law'.  I never wear my fishing license, but it is nearby inside my tackle box.  And I have sometimes been known to throw out a second pole while in the Delta.  What is my pocket book looking at? 
The CA fishing regulations merely state that there's a $100 fine for fishing without a license. Since you are required to display (wear) it above the waist, presumably if it's not displayed it could be interpreted as not having it. I suspect that, first time around, you might get off with a warning if you have the license in your possession.

If you don't want to pin it on using one of those inexpensive pin-on license holders (cost around $1 in a tackle or bait store), use one that hangs around your neck, which is what I do.

Using two poles with one license might be considered fishing without a license or maybe poaching, which I'd think that was a more serious offense. But, good luck trying to interpret the regulations. Save yourself the pain and potential expense.
Using two poles with one license might be considered fishing without a license or maybe poaching, which I'd think that was a more serious offense. But, good luck trying to interpret the regulations. Save yourself the pain and potential expense.

As I remember, you can buy a stamp for your license that permits the use of two poles.
Carl Lundquist said:
As I remember, you can buy a stamp for your license that permits the use of two poles.

Ah so Carl san:

2.00. Fishing Methods--General.
All fish may be taken only by angling with one closely attended rod and line or one hand line with not more than three hooks nor more than three artificial lures (each lure may have three hooks attached) attached thereto. Anglers in possession of a valid tworod stamp and anglers under 16 years of age may use up to two rods in lakes, reservoirs and the Colorado River District. See District Trout, Salmon and Special Regulations for exceptions.

Looks like it's not available for the Delta where FX does some of his fishing.

1 rod or 10 rods, I still have trouble catching fish :-[
If you just drop anchor, hurl a line and bait overboard, then pour a cold one while you wait, you won't catch too many fish. It's like someone going deer hunting and hoping to find Bambi tied to a tree.

Keep trying different things and move around some. Next thing you know, you'll be catching fish and posting the photos here.
But Tom, the best part of fishing is it makes the beer taste so good :)
True Ned. But I understand that FX sips it so slow that it gets spilled by the wake of a passing boat.
Come on guys!  One thing I don't do is sip my beer!
Tom said:
If you just drop anchor, hurl a line and bait overboard, then pour a cold one while you wait, you won't catch too many fish.


My experience with fishing is that the moment I pour a soft drink, or pick up a sandwich in a long  lull between fish, that I  immediately  get a hit.  Seems I just have to have my hands busy doing something else and bingo.. action.  Not necessarily a fish on, but it looks like  it.  I've dropped many a sandwich .

LOL Betty, I'll bet that happens to lots of fisherfolks.
LOL...? ?Karl, you are correct about those fake burgers but they're worth a try.? I've missed many a walleye bite while doing "personal" things...? ?opening a beer among them.? Which brings me to my next thought.? I'm glad to see that the fisherman among us agree that Beer is not "just for breakfast" anymore.? ?
Happy New Year all.? lou

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