Full Self Driving

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2017
Prescott, Az
I purchased my Tesla Model X in 2019 and paid for the Full Self Driving when it was on sale knowing it was not working yet. So over the time is came on line and slowly it got better but not what I had hoped for, till today. I just got the latest update and wow, a major difference and improvement. I now see why so many of the You Tube videos are showing how much better it is. They are giving free demos at the dealers now and I have a couple friends who decided to go over and see for themselves. Any one else got the latest update?
I purchased my Tesla Model X in 2019 and paid for the Full Self Driving when it was on sale knowing it was not working yet. So over the time is came on line and slowly it got better but not what I had hoped for, till today. I just got the latest update and wow, a major difference and improvement. I now see why so many of the You Tube videos are showing how much better it is. They are giving free demos at the dealers now and I have a couple friends who decided to go over and see for themselves. Any one else got the latest update?
Yep. We have 12.3.3. Very impressive. It occasionally hesitates on advanced green left arrow turns and occasionally is not proactive enough on lane changes for upcoming turns. But other than that it’s amazing.

They still have to overcome hand signals from police and construction zone flag people and probably some all weather challenges, but other than that it’s rare that an intervention is needed now. Literally days since our last intervention and that was a construction site. Amazing. We have had it for 4 years.
I purchased my Tesla Model X in 2019 and paid for the Full Self Driving when it was on sale knowing it was not working yet. So over the time is came on line and slowly it got better but not what I had hoped for, till today. I just got the latest update and wow, a major difference and improvement. I now see why so many of the You Tube videos are showing how much better it is. They are giving free demos at the dealers now and I have a couple friends who decided to go over and see for themselves. Any one else got the latest update?
I wonder if they will again have a free trial month for it. When they had the last one, I tried it a few times and decided I didn't even want it if it were for free.

BTW, if you cannot take your hands of the steering wheel, I still do not want it. Not even for free. That defeats the entire practical purpose of having it in the first place, IMO.

-Don- Reno, NV
Yep. We have 12.3.3. Very impressive. It occasionally hesitates on advanced green left arrow turns and occasionally is not proactive enough on lane changes for upcoming turns. But other than that it’s amazing.

They still have to overcome hand signals from police and construction zone flag people and probably some all weather challenges, but other than that it’s rare that an intervention is needed now. Literally days since our last intervention and that was a construction site. Amazing. We have had it for 4 years.
Can it tell the difference in the car lane and a bike lane? We have some streets here where the bike lane is indistinguishable except for the signs and street markings, it's as wide as the traffic lane.
Given the track record of self driving cars.... I'm not trusting yet.
Well, you are not supposed to trust it yet. It’s a level 2 system and sold as such. That’s why it’s called FSD supervised. One day it will probably evolve into a level 3 or 4 or even 5 system.
Can it tell the difference in the car lane and a bike lane? We have some streets here where the bike lane is indistinguishable except for the signs and street markings, it's as wide as the traffic lane.
If the bike lane has no markings no. If there is markings yes.
It sounds much more advanced than the one in our IX. I think I wrote about trying it the other day. I put it on a basic mission of driving on a 2-lane road with stop and go traffic. It has a much different driving style than I do. I can see the potential use, and how a Level 5 system would transform personal transport for people who "can't drive". I mean that literally and sardonically ;)

Right now, I'd rather drive myself. The car can drive, and it needs only minimal supervision. But what else is there to do when...driving? To Don's point it's not like you can take your hands off the wheel...like make breakfast, or lay back and daydream.
Right now, I'd rather drive myself.
Same here, I would rather just drive my own cars.

When I was trying it out, going up highway 395, when there several empty freeway entrances where the road become a lot wider. The car would recenter on the road which was scary. Also, it didn't follow GPS instructions. And it wouldn't slow down for curves. The more I used it, the more I didn't like it. I even thought it was stupid and dangerous when I was trying it out.

I am glad to hear they improved it. It really needed improvements in so many ways. But even back then, it was very expensive. I felt it was more of a dangerous gimmick than anything useful.

-Don- Reno, NV
But what else is there to do when...driving?
I can think of a few things, like wanting to put on my sunglasses after they feel to the floor, just out of reach, as happened to me just the other day. I had to find a place to stop the car to get to them.

-Don- Reno, NV
I can think of a few things, like wanting to put on my sunglasses after they feel to the floor, just out of reach, as happened to me just the other day. I had to find a place to stop the car to get to them.

-Don- Reno, NV
When something falls into the passenger side floorboard I just unfasten my seatbelt grab the steering wheel at the 4 o’clock position with my left hand and just lean way down there. If it’s taking awhile I’ll pop my head up a bit and look over the dash out of my left eye for a second. That way you don’t have to stop.
If you haven't seen this video, it's a real "hoot!" Watch and enjoy! When I first watched it a few years ago, it did not have, "April Fools" posted in the title. Knowing that up front, spoils the entire video. Still, the ending ***IS*** something to seriously think about! Enjoy and have fun with this video:

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