Glasses and wine glasses in the motorhome

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Jul 25, 2018
Does anyone have a great trick to secure glassware and wine glasses in a motorhome?  I cannot stand drinking out of plastic.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you
many of the higher end motorhomes have these beautiful Lighted hanging crystal wine class cabinets
The DW insists on glass wine glasses also. I used a space at the end of a cabinet to install two over head hanging wine stemware holders. Then every other glass is covered with half a cotton sock to protect them from banging into each other when traveling.  Each rack holds about 4 glasses.  Here is a link to the racks.
We put glasses inside cotton socks and leave them in the kitchen cabinet. No plastic for us either.
Thank you everyone-  we have one of those liquor cabinets just am not to sure how well they will hold the glasses down a bumpy road.  The sock idea might be a way to go.  I will also check out the link to the overhead rack.

We use the cardboard six pack cartons from the beer Mark buys to keep the glasses from clinking together or falling over in the cabinet. Work well in the fridge for transport too.

SargeW said:
I used a space at the end of a cabinet to install two over head hanging wine stemware holders. Then every other glass is covered with half a cotton sock to protect them from banging into each other when traveling.  Each rack holds about 4 glasses.  Here is a link to the racks.
So  Marty,
Did you install this on  the inside of cupboard or on the outside  under a cabinet?  I see  one  of these in my near future!
Actually neither one Betty! When I was having the Bus built, I bartered the Euro Recliner that was to be set next to the fireplace for an additional desk area. It was just a wood frame, then the head cabinet guy grabbed the girl that makes the solid surface counter tops. He had her make a matching top for the desk.  I told him that I wanted to put a wine refer under it (true) so I needed another 110V plug under it.  He took care of everything.

On a later trip I had Greg in the cabinet shop make me a matching slide out tray for my printer.  Never being quite satisfied, I added two 6" shelves on the side. An upper and a lower. The wine glass holders from Amazon finished it off. 


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I use the 10oz stainless Tumblers from Yeti. They are ungodly expensive, but more adult feeling than plastic.
You mean to tell me that Dixie cups and red solo cups are passe' ????

No really, The Admiral requires a glass glass for her box wine. I slip them in tube sox and stow them in the dishtowel drawer, haven't lost one yet. (I have knocked a couple off the prep table, next to the grill. You can't put too much wine in the cook, can you?

Every liquid tastes better out of real glass..  water, wine, beer, whiskey,  and tastes even better out of expensive crystal glass goblets.

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