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Oct 14, 2019
We just bought our first motorhome a 2014 Lexington on ford 450 chassis 26 feet long. We liked the layout and size since its just the two of us. Got new tires first thing, cleaned and did some recauking on the roof. It's got a few more issues to keep me busy, hoping to get a little help from this forum  ;D
Welcome. Any questions you may have just ask away no matter how small it may seem to you. And remember, no question is a dumb question. If you don't know the answer, it's not dumb to ask.
About all we ask is that you create a post for every question you may have. It makes it easier to respond to one question instead of several questions in one post. Don't worry about posting it in the right section. If a moderator feels one of your question will get better exposure in another section, they'll move it. Safe travels.
Thanks I'm also from the granite state, the great Northwoods. Guess what sbwtb stands for (hint s for snow)
sbwtb said:
Thanks I'm also from the granite state, the great Northwoods. Guess what sbwtb stands for (hint s for snow)

Are you from Northwood NH or just from the great north woods up north. When I say north, beyond Berlin.

I have no idea what the letters stand for.

I'm from Farmington NH not far from Northwood NH.
Congrats on your new-to-you motor home. Sounds like you've got the right priorities with the new tires and caulking. Enjoy!!!
sbwtb said:
Berlin NH snow bird want to be

I was up your way a month ago. Had to go to Berlin City to pick up a new car. I work for a Ford dealership as a driver.
Also my daughter and SIL have a friend who has a camp in Dummer. I've been up there 3 or 4 times with my RV

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