Jimi Hendrix book

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
I received a copy of a new book transcribing Jimi's entire career. All four of his legitimate albums completely written out for all instruments. This is a mind blowing experience. The book is the size of a large phone book and it is covered in purple velvety material. Looks like it should be a Prince retrospective. The pages are really thin and sturdy as it is over 1500 pages. Nothing but notated music. No photos and very little printed text. This is 99% tabbed sheet music. Nirvana. I can't preform music reading from a page in time, but I can read it and appreciate what he was doing. I am especially interested in the four parts to the lead solo on All Along The Watchtower, one of the most mind blowing of all lead guitar parts ever recorded. It is actually four very different guitar solos each one is eight bars long:

Here is the book on Amazon if you want to buy one:

Far out man. Too bad FM just burned him out. I like listening to some of his "newer" released music, but I still have a hard time listening to his stuff that was so overplayed in the 70's, 80's and 90's (and beyond). Anyway, pretty cools stuff.

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