Keto Recipes

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Apr 25, 2010
Does anyone have any good keto recipes that are particularly adaptable to the road.  The one drawback to this diet (for me) is it is very time consuming to prepare meals at home.  This is the first year we will be adhering to it while traveling.  One that I am looking forward to preparing is chaffles.  I have a cast iron waffle maker that fits the stove well and the recipe isn't terrible to make and divine to eat. 


4 tablespoon of almond flour
3 egg
2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
2 teaspoon baking powder
2 cup mozzarella cheese

In a bowl, mix together, egg and vanilla extract.
Mix in baking powder, almond flour, and cinnamon.
Lastly, add in the mozzarella cheese and coat it evenly with the mixture.
Spray your waffle maker with oil and let it heat up to its highest setting.
Cook the waffle, checking on it every 5 minutes until it gets crunchy and golden. A tip: Make sure you put in about a third of your batter. The waffle maker can
overflow, making it a messy process. I suggest putting down a spill mat for an easy clean up.
Take it out carefully, and top it with butter, and your favourite low-carb syrup.

1 or 1 1/2 of these will fill you up for the whole morning. 
I'm trying to stick to a Mediterranean type low carb program and one of the dishes I made often was gazpacho. Here is a good recipe....

We have a Ninja blender that we use to process it.

We often have a form of protein with a simple salad and dressing which doesn't take long to prepare.

I'm interested to see what other recipes pop up.  :)
Not tries this this one but sounds good apart from the small portion size ? you could add greens to bulk up...

Beef Stroganoff

Servings: 4 Calories per serving: 428 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 40-45 minutes

480 g sirloin steak, cut into strips
60 g ground almonds
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 onions, peeled and sliced
200 g button mushrooms, sliced
2 tsp ground sweet paprika
900 ml beef stock, (see Note)
120 g plain full-fat Greek yogurt
Fresh parsley, (approx. 2 tbsp)
Sea salt
Black pepper

Toss the beef in the ground almonds, salt and pepper to coat the strips.
Heat the oil in a casserole and brown the beef then remove from the pan.
In the same casserole pan saut? the onions and mushrooms for 3-4 minutes before returning the beef to the pan. Add the paprika.
Pour in the stock and stir well to loosen all the crispy bits off the bottom of the pan.
Simmer for 30-35 minutes until the beef is tender.
Take off the heat and slowly stir in the yoghurt.
Serve half of the stroganoff over two plates sprinkled with half the chopped parsley.
Leftover Tip: The stroganoff tastes even better the next day, when the flavours have had time to develop. Refrigerate the remaining stroganoff in an air-tight container for up to 3 days. Reheat in the microwave. Serve across two plates with a sprinkle of parsley.

Note: To ensure this recipe is gluten-free, please check the label of the stock to ensure there are no sources of gluten.
One of our go to camping recipes is grilled chicken sandwiches.  We use boneless skinless chicken thighs cooked over a fire or on the blackstone.  Topped with sliced ham, bacon and cheese.  I use the low carb bread or buns from Sola. 
DH has lost 45 Lbs. on a Keto menu in the last 3 months.  (I'm a bit jealous)  We've started a folder of our favorite Keto recipes.  Most of them are RV friendly. 
MN Blue Skies said:
DH has lost 45 Lbs. on a Keto menu in the last 3 months.  (I'm a bit jealous)  We've started a folder of our favorite Keto recipes.  Most of them are RV friendly.
Wow, well done Eric!

I lost 28lbs last year but have more to lose.  I was doing the Fast800 which is a medically researched way of eating based on Mediterranean style recipes. It was created to help reverse type 2 diabetes and for people who struggle to lose weight.  I didn't stick to it for a long time but on and off.  I have managed to maintain the loss which is not usual for me.

It's a battle for sure.

You should share some of the,recipes or favourite websites Max.
Will do. The first thing we did was eliminate almost all carbs from our diet; bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, and starch from our diet. We now eat wild caught fish twice a week. More to follow.

BTW, it hasn't been much of a sacrifice because there are so many good Keto recipes on the Internet. Note that there's a big difference between Keto and Keto friendly.
I will post some of our favorite low carb recipes that are quick and easy for RVing. In the meantime, here are a few low carb grocery items we like. G Hughes sugar free Hickory BBQ Sauce. (2 Carbs per serving.) We found it at Sam's Club. Tonight we had the BBQ sauce on Curly's sauceless Pulled Pork. The Pulled Pork is 1 Carb per serving. So easy. Just microwave the Pork and add the BBQ on top. Our side was a low carb coleslaw. Yummy.
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Will do. The first thing we did was eliminate almost all carbs from our diet; bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, and starch from our diet. We now eat wild caught fish twice a week.
Yikes-- if I had to give up bread, pasta, potatoes, rich, beans and rely on my fishing skills-- I'd be dead in a week! :) :D
That would work.

I'm afraid I've put on a few (to put it kindly) pounds this trip. Blame it on the insanely COLD weather in TX keeping me inside too close to the food. :)

They "hid" the Emojis! You just have to click the vertical bar at top to drop down. Tooke me awhile to figure it out as well:

This isn't a recipe but it is one of my favorite Keto shortcuts with hints on how to prepare. I usually use frozen riced cauliflower in lieu of rice. (I prefer Aldi's frozen garlic and herb diced cauliflower and it's more affordable than other brands.) It's great for a stir fry or things like stuffed green peppers. I wouldn't use it in soups. The trick is to make sure you microwave the cauliflower so it isn't crunchy and then use paper towels to squeeze out as much moisture as possible.
Whether we are on the road or at home we usually buy a rotisserie chicken once or twice a month. We often prepare a keto coleslaw and/or low cart veggie to serve with it. The extra undressed slaw we save for our salads later in the week.
Continuing on our quick Keto recipe preferences. Regarding the leftovers from the rotisserie chicken, We usually have lots of leftovers. So we look forward to a Cobb salad with leftover diced chicken, diced bacon left over from a breakfast, hard boiled eggs (again leftovers from a breakfast) We use romaine lettuce for the base and add cherry tomatoes, sliced avocados, goat cheese and topped with your favorite low carb dressing. We love our homemade low carb french/western dressing and add a bit of of Ken's Blue Cheese Let us know if you are interested in our recipe for our dressing. All so yummy and fulfilling.
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Apologies for reviving this old thread, but it caught my attention. Chaffles are a fantastic on-the-road keto option. I totally get how convenience is key while traveling. I've made these before, and they're a game-changer! But lately, I've been all about those quick and healthy smoothies. One of my absolute favorites is a blend of banana, chia seeds, sesame seeds, a touch of maple syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. But here's the secret sauce – I add the best spirulina powder for that extra nutrient boost. It's packed with nutrients and vitamins keeping me on track with my balanced diet no matter where I am.
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Apologies for reviving this old thread, but it caught my attention. Chaffles are a fantastic on-the-road keto option. I totally get how convenience is key while traveling. I've made these before, and they're a game-changer! But lately, I've been all about those quick and healthy smoothies. One of my absolute favorites is a blend of banana, chia seeds, sesame seeds, a touch of maple syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon. But here's the secret sauce – I add the best spirulina powder for that extra nutrient boost. It's packed with nutrients and vitamins keeping me on track with my balanced diet no matter where I am.
A few years ago I spent a month at my son's home remodeling a bathroom for him. He had me on a strict Keto regimen the entire month, I for real lost 19 lbs.
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My wife and I have been doing a somewhat modified Keto for some time now. I say "modified" because we are not strict Keto. But ... in the end we still count the carbs and attempt to stay under our limit. With that said, we eat everything. Some days it's a lot more, some days, it's a lot, lot less if the item is packed with carbs.

The first year we were on Keto I lost 65 pounds, she lost 55. Then around Thanksgiving 2022, things kind of changed. We both gained 20 pounds back and have never been able to get it back off, no matter how much we starve ourselves, follow Keto, or anything. We've leveled off, but absolutely not gaining anything any more. I think our metabolism has reached its comfort point. The important thing is, we are not 2 huge blimps any more. We're wearing clothing several sizes smaller now, we are healthier, have much more energy, and over all, much more active.

Keto? pretty much anything you want to eat, just count those carbs and don't go over.
A modified Keto menu works best for me.

We are on the road and want something simple without having to clean up. We microwaved a Stouffer's Family Sized Meatloaf and Gravy. (It was on sale for $7.99 and it lasts us for two meals. Very low carb and actually very tasty.)

We had it over microwaved cauliflower in a bag, I very slightly over steamed the cauliflower so I could mash it up with butter, salt, and pepper. It's probably hard to believe but we like this better than mashed potatoes. It's certainly lower carb, easier, and possibly heathier.

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