Looking for a App

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
I am looking for an App where I can input birthdays. I want to be able to be notified when a birthday is coming up. My DW has them all memorized. Me, I’m lucky to remember hers. I’m not a techy person so something simple please. Thanks guys.
Thanks Tom. I thought if that. The only issue is have about 30 birthdays (and growing) and I’d have to input each one of them every year. It would be very time consuming. I may still do that if I can’t find a free App. I’m cheap.
Most calendars whether Google or the one on your phone/tablet/PC allow you to set a reminder and that is usually customizable and includes frequency. Daily weekly, yearly, forever.

Try one and come back if you get stuck.

On mine, after I add in the frequency it then asks how often to repeat....

Click on "don't repeat" and I get options.


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we use Google calendar exactly how SeilerBird and Jackie described, you can also share the calendar with others.
I have reminders that tell me a week ahead of time when the event or birthday happens.
I also use it to remind me of maintenance projects for the camper.
I agree, Google Calendar. My wife buys a wall calendar and hangs on side or refrigerator, has b days on it. Easy to see in advance and get cards for the ones we send them to.
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Don't forget to set reminders a week early if you'll be sending a present. Most calendars allow you to set two, one ahead and one the day it occurs, etc.
That's standard on OS X and with Google. Just put the birthday in the your Apple or Google contacts then go to that calendar and check the box to show birthdays.

I haven't been near windos$ for years, so can't help you there but I'd be very surprised if they did not have the same.
Ditto on the google calendar and the repeat function. In my working life I used outlook but that's long gone.

Google also synchs to my phone and watch.

PS - Aside from setting the recurring item, you can change the advance notification date. Some things I need a week's notice and other's a day or so.
That is cool guys and gals. I just did it and it works great. Thanks for your help. As I said, I’m not a techy person so at times I’m afraid to start pushing buttons for fear of screwing things up. Thanks again
That is the beauty of using a Chromebook. It is almost impossible to screw things up.
I am looking for an App where I can input birthdays.
Yes, Google Calendar works, but I use the calendar option for Mozilla Thunderbird (that's my email client) and it does the same thing- can even tie it in with Google Calendar, and it can display info from multiple calendars too, enabling or disabling each with a click.
A more sophisticated method is Cozi, a great app with sharing capabilities. it has all kinds of lists in addition to a calendar. It has a handy sharing feature. We use it to input a grocery list as we notice things, then whoever gets groceries has the entire household list. We also keep lists for presents, household tasks, motorhome tasks, etc. Calendar works in a similar manner. You can input individual appointments and only one person gets the alarm, or you can input shared appointments and we both get the alarm. I put birthdays on a repeat with the first alarm 1 week before, the second 3 days before, and the third the day off. My short term memory is shot, and if I don’t get notice of an appointment, it doesn’t happen.
I'd just add a couple of notes re. Google's Calendar.

The ability to add as many calendars as you want and turn any of them on/off to view selectively is a great feature. I have several Google Calendars, one for regular personal entries, another to keep track of some Airbnb properties, and one to organize our RV travels. You can share any of them selectively to others so, for example, you might give friends/family access to your travel calendar but keep your personal calendar private.

Here's a capture of a month of our travel calendar. Invaluable IMO to keep things organized as you can click on any date/site and bring up a box with complete info-- all reservation info-- phone number of park, link to Google Maps, past notes from previous visits etc.. Wouldn't think of hitting the road without it!

If you are on an iPad or iPhone and the people whose birthday you want to be notified of are in your contact list with their birthday entered it will show up on your calendar every year and if you put in birth year it will tell you what birthday it is.

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