Lower 48

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Well, when you were in Florida, did you stop by Seilerbird's?

Waving at you!
ziplock said:
Well, when you were in Florida, did you stop by Seilerbird's?

Waving at you!
We planned on it but then he wasn't feeling well and had to cancel. I did meet up with another forum member, Charles, and his wife Laura, in Tampa.
ziplock said:
Well, when you were in Florida, did you stop by Seilerbird's?

Waving at you!
We were going to meet up at Gatorland but I was not feeling well and I did not want to take to chance of exposing the herd to whatever I had. Huge disapointment.
SeilerBird said:
We were going to meet up at Gatorland but I was not feeling well and I did not want to take to chance of exposing the herd to whatever I had. Huge disapointment.

SB Hopefully you're over the funk and you were referring to as a past condition. 

Nothing like a potential $25 Google Fi, rebate for friends joining to rally you to better health, to keep you hanging around.  :)

May today find you in a Better place, my friend.

We?ll have been at it 4 years come June... still much to see.  We?ve never done it at the pace you have been going... we?re planning our second tour out west starting this summer/fall.
Great seeing you and you crew in Tampa as well as in the UP last September.  We?re going to be meandering our way back to Ohio 4/1-4/4... if you?re still in KY then, perhaps we?ll come to you this time.
Oldgator73 said:
I have many friends and family members incarcerated at Gatorland.  :'(

Lord Gator,  You left out the part about yourself being out on weekend Furlough.  ;)

We just call it "Working for the State" down in these parts. 

Loved the exhibit of the Albino Gator there at Gator Land. 

I wonder if any parents ever threw their kids in the big pond for misbehaving? (Not Really- Don't shoot!  ;D)

BTW... I hear you Brother.  Life throws us some curves sometimes. 

Life is good. 

X-Roughneck said:
Lord Gator,  You left out the part about yourself being out on weekend Furlough.  ;)

We just call it "Working for the State" down in these parts. 

Being a Lord I was allowed work release. I am now in the witness protection program. Oldgator is not my real name. Somebody?s at the door. I have to get to the safe room.  8)
Oldgator73 said:
Being a Lord I was allowed work release. I am now in the witness protection program. Oldgator is not my real name. Somebody?s at the door. I have to get to the safe room.  8)
No, its Youngator!
Lol you guys crack me up!
I'm just popping on real quick to let you know that we were in Nashville and are completely safe and we're heading to Memphis.
RVMommaTo6 said:
Lol you guys crack me up!
I'm just popping on real quick to let you know that we were in Nashville and are completely safe and we're heading to Memphis.
Stop getting into trouble Amanda! Stay safe and keep a close eye on the weather!
Glad to hear you are safe, my wife was at a conference in Nashville last week, she left there to head home Saturday afternoon.
Ditto on all the Weather stuff Momma. 

Nashville is Notorious for night time Tornados (Historically). 

Make sure you throw a eyeball on the weather forecast before you and your pack get horizontal for the evening. 

Don't Fool/Mess with Mother Nature (Forgot how the cliche goes). 

She can be the meanest Momma Out there!
RVMommaTo6 said:
Lol you guys crack me up!
I'm just popping on real quick to let you know that we were in Nashville and are completely safe and we're heading to Memphis.

I have been following your blog since the start and ma enjoying your trip so much.

I?m sad to hear you didn?t get to meet Tom in FLA but so kind of him not to want to spread anything with you and the children.

So so glad to see you posted that you were all okay in Nashville.

Enjoy the next segment.
I am sad to announce that we will be cutting our trip short and returning home on or around April 1. Lots of reasons for this, but mainly because corona has closed everything. I'm having a hard time finding affordable RV parks that aren't closing to over nighters. They're fine with monthly rentals or seasonals but not one night or a week. I'll be updating my blog as soon as I get the chance with more details, but it's a fairly high chance right now that we're going to head back.
That?s too bad Amanda. I know you and your kids must be really disappointed. Our whole vacation was cancelled due to the pandemic. I think I remember you said your house was rented. Is that going to be a problem for you?
I'm sorry, Amanda, and I know you and the kids are disappointed.  As usual, you're making a really good Mom decision.  I hope you will be able to resume your adventures when this is all over.  I have enjoyed every blog entry and picture you have posted.  Good job, Mama!
I am sorry to hear this, but I do have to wonder if there may be better places for you to ride out the next month or so until your house is vacant than upstate New York.
I don't suppose you would like to make a u-turn and return to our home.....I could get a lot of work out of 6 kids.(Including washing my truck)

In return I can offer Danna's cooking and lots of fishing for the kids..After the chores are done.
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