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Terry A. Brewer said:

>>Russ is just giving Terry a challange to keep up with him.<<

Alas....Russ has now far overtaken me & now wears the title of "Russ the Toy Man"...It is a sad day in Brewerville.<G>

Life gets tedious doesn't it. ;D ;D
Jim Johnson said:
Rightfully, the record book entry would have an asterisk noting the fact that he "does not have a mean accountant". 


Ahem,  just how do you define "mean accountant?"  Would that possibly translate as wife?

By the way,  Terry still has lots of toys.  Why just this week he got a new ignition switch, a tow truck ride, a new emergency flasher system and a new heater fuel cable.  All I got was a couple of miracle cloths.

Jim  I'm sure glad I didn't make that statement.  There would be more lumps on my noggin.  I just knew you were in trouble with Betty when I read the statement.  Even tho  thoughts of those things MIGHT have passed through my mind, never would I have tried to breed a scab over my eyes.  Jim is there every thing we can do to hide you when Terry pulls up near you with that New MH.  OOPs  Sorry I was just thinking out loud again.  I'll just observe  LOL
Mean can "mean" average, or in the vernacular, exceptional.

You're welcome, Jim  ::)

It was very gracious of you to turn the "Toy Man" title over to Russ.  I was worried that we would be forced to witness Russ groveling to get it away from you and it was not a pretty picture!  ;D  Don't feel too bad about it - I'm sure you'll have another turn at it one of these days!


You overlooked Terry's new toy...the Garmin.  It's still a close race!


Earlier you mentioned "not much progress," but there really was a lot of progress with regard to your dwindling bank account. :)  :)

No polo yet, but the races are something to look forward to at QZ :)
Ned said:
....the races are something to look forward to at QZ

Can't recall if Russ has nobly (off-road) tires on his Segway.
If he doesn't have off-road tires yet, I'm sure he will by Quartzsite so he can race Terry around La Posa.

How about a race across the highway, dodging all those crazy RVers coming in and out of town.
I have the plain city tires and cannot race Terry becuse of his secret advantage.
rhmahoney said:
I have the plain city tires and cannot race Terry becuse of his secret advantage.

You've got plenty of time before Quartzsite to get those off-road tires. We want a race !!


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