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Oct 31, 2020
I have a 1998 Ford Class A. The generator is in the front compartment on the drivers side by the axle. It's a pass thru comartment and you can see the ground and engine of the RV in this compartment. The passenger side of it has a floor. I have plans for going to a mini split DC 48v system. My thoughts are to remove the generator and put the compressor there instead. Lithium batteries dedicated to the mini split would be on the other side of the compartment and solar on the roof. I am a little concerned about excess engine heat or fumes and if that would affect this set up? Also, I wouldnt miss the microwave and would pull that out but I do want 120 outlets when boondocking for using low draw stuff. I would use the 2 regular house batteries I already have for running this but do I need an inverter or something to make that work? I would probably have a dedicated solar panel for charging those 2 batteries

Unless you happen upon someone that has done this exact thing with your exact RV, you're breaking the trail here.

I'm guessing you won't be running the mini split while underway but maybe you are.  My first pass on it would be to drive the thing around with a remote thermometer in various places.  Whatever operating scenarios you envision need to be considered.  Since the passenger side of the compartment has a floor perhaps it could be enclosed to provide a bit of thermal isolation for the batteries.

The other question is how well the compressor unit can work in that compartment.  I've only ever seen them mounted to outside walls.  The minute you enclose them you complicate the ventilation.  So at a minimum you'd have to make sure whatever heat is being shed has an exit path.  Maybe a louvered door on the side and possibly some external fan assist.

Wonder if you've run the numbers on storage and draw vs run time.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM

Mark brings up some good points. Anything can be done and be made to work... for a price, and there's no doubt that a 48 volt system is more efficient than a 12 volt system, but in the end, you'd essentially end up with four electrical systems - 12 volts for the chassis, 12 volts for the house, 48 volts for the mini-split AC unit and 120 volts for your AC appliances. And yes, you'd need an inverter to run AC appliances off your 12 volt house system.

I don't know what size AC unit you're considering, but you'd need to size your Li battery bank and solar array accordingly, especially since you'd no longer have a generator.  It also sounds like you're planning to have two separate solar arrays - one to charge the 12 volt house batteries suppling power to the inverter, and one to charge the 48 volt Li batteries. Is that correct? If so, that's doable, but IMO  unnecessarily complex and pricey, and in the end, probably less efficient.

Just curious... is there something wrong with your existing AC unit and generator? A 48 volt Li battery bank that can power an AC unit, and then get fully recharged by solar is a great thing to have, but a generator is a nice thing to have too, especially when you have a few cloudy days in a row.

It may seem like I'm pouring water on your coals (I guess I am) but I assure you, that's not my intent. I'm just trying to save you some money and headaches. We might be able to help you figure out a simpler, more practical and more cost effective way to accomplish your goal. It would me if I knew why you wanted to go this route.

Guessing OP gave up as many do.
This was a bad idea.
Yes, mini splits are very efficient and preferred for RV's even on generator as they draw less power, so use less gas/ run longer.
You will need a hecka lot of solar panels and batteries to run it all day or all night. There are guys doing this very thing.
Is it worth it? For a newbie you do not know. I would say - waste of time for a newbie as you, as we suspect you already did, abandon everything already.
Use a generator and a window unit, or roof unit until you get wet up to your waist at least, not just your feet wet so to speak...
Presume that by "mini-split" you are referring to an air conditioning system.

As a RV newby but someone with a bit of electro-mechanical background, my gut feeling is you are going to create more problems than you will solve by having so many different voltages, as has been pointed out. If you could find enough appliances to fill your needs that were all same DC voltage, that would be one solution, then only need rectifier for gen or shore power but what you are proposing sounds like over complication. If you can pull it off on budget and be happy with it, then my hat is off to you friend.

Have you checked the boating world, recently I saw some split DC air conditioning systems that looked interesting, just have not gone back to check them out just yet. (Lately I've been wondering if a completely DC (single voltage) RV electrical system is feasable or even possible.)
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