PressurePro Issues (Long)

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Active member
Oct 23, 2005
Ok, I wanted to wait until everything was resolved before posting this. Last month I had a problem with one of my sensors on my toad. It had gotten overheated with a brake problem and finally gave out. I called L&S Systems where I had purchased my PressurePro. They wanted to try several different fixes before we finally agreed that the sensor needed to be replaced. Duane said that to save a few bucks, they could sell me a ?slightly used? sensor. I agreed and the sensor was shipped. When it arrived and I tried to install it, it never checked in with any reading. Called and Duane agreed to send a replacement. I would return the defective sensor. We were scheduled to leave on a trip, and I was relieved when the sensor arrived the morning before we pulled out. I installed the sensor and thought great.

Not to be. A quarter mile down the road, the sensor starts beeping and showing 00 pressure! I thought, great new sensor probably leaked and now I have a flat. Stopped and checked; nope tire was fine. By this time the sensor was back to normal. Went on down the road thinking all was fine and this was a one time glitch. Now about a mile down the road the sensor goes off again. Again I check and everything is fine. Further down the road about 10 minutes again sensor goes to zero pressure. Again I check. Finally I do not believe the sensor. I call L&S and they have ideas about the dill valve being set too low. I agree that I will stop at a truck stop that I know and check. Adjusted the valve slightly and went on my way. This seemed to help however every once in a while the sensor would beep.

Finally I decided to just delete the offending sensor. And not deal with it on our trip. I called L&S again and they agreed that if I returned the sensor they would replace it. I sent it in and again the sensor arrived in the mail; only this time is was the same sensor... They had enclosed a note saying it was checked for 24 hours and showed no problems. Now I decided to move the display to the toad and really diagnose the problem. After driving about a day, I determined that it was a speed issue. The sensor would consistently go off when coming to a stop or slowing. Speeding up to about 30 mph took care of the problem MOST of the time. I called L&S again and explained the problem. They had only done a static test; motion was the problem. Finally we agreed that I would pay the difference and receive a NEW sensor, not a slightly used one. Sensor arrived Friday and I?m glad to say that I?m finally monitoring all of my tires.

My thanks to L&S and Duane for sticking with me and finally solving the problem. I might also note that Duane actually called while we were on our trip to see if there was anything else he could do. But at that time, I was not interested in dealing with the sensor problem. It could wait until I got home.

This is not to slam pressure pro or their monitor. The system when it works correctly is great and gives peace of mind. However you should be warned, I would not purchase any ?slightly used? or refurbished sensors.
Thanks for the "war story". I always wonder why a supplier has a "slightly used' part lying around. It seems likely that somebody else had a problem with it and returned it, but it checked out OK in a bench test, so they want to give it out again. If it  is a free replacement, how can you argue. But if you have to pay for it, I'd much rather have a new one.
Just a note on my experience with Pressure Pro's service. This past spring we were traveling to a small town close to Harrisonville, MO to visit a friend of ours. I had been having problems with two sensors and decided to stop by their office for suggestions (cutting through Harrisonville was actually a short cut to our destination).

I met Vanessa and she took me to Doug's office. I expained the age of the sensors (2 1/2 years old) and where I had purchased them (a forum member); he didn't ask to see my purchase records. He suggested that they had several used sensors on hand which were approximately the same age as mine which he could give me. They had been returned when the owner upgraded to the lastest PP model (some people must have the latest model of everything  :) ). Doug indicated that the battery life would "probably" be about what I could expect from my sensors. Doug and I went out to our motor home and he replaced the sensors and programmed them for me. They have worked fine and best of all they didn't cost me a cent--in fact, with the short cut thru Harrisonville they save me a little in gas. They continue to work fine.

While Doug was programming one of the sensors, the sensor on the right rear of our toad dropped out. Doug noticed this and said that was not normal (it had happened on a few occasions but always came back online in a few minutes). Doug said with their building so close, that should not happen like it might out in the open. He went back to his office and returned with another sensor which he installed and programmed.

I don't think you can beat this kind of service! Even if you purchase from one of their distributors, they will still take care of you directly.

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