Problems with renogy voyager 20a hook up

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New member
Jan 13, 2018
The charge controller is hooked up to a flooded rv battery & a 100 watt solar panel but is only showing 1.0a. This number is rapidly fluctuating as well as the volts that go from 20-13.6. KWH is at .4 & temp is constant 25c. Could someone help me out pls? What am I doing wrong?
Again, it would help if you included the year, make, and model of your RV in the signature line, as many of us have done. That will help us know more about your problem. You can do this by clicking on your name at the top of the forum page, and then on Signature.
Assuming it's a sunny day, a healthy 100 watt solar panel should put out about 20 - 21 volts and roughly 5 - 6 amps. When hooked to a controller, however, the controller's output may show something completely different, depending on the battery's State Of Charge and whether or not the RV is plugged into shore power.

For example, when NOT hooked up to shore power, the controller should indicate an output of about 13 - 14 volts and roughly 5 - 6 amps if the battery is discharged, because the controller is trying to charge the battery. If the battery is fully charged, the controller will sense this and reduce its output correspondingly. The exact amount depends on programming and SOC.

It's not unusual for a panel's output to fluctuate significantly in breezy conditions when parked under a tree, or when clouds are passing by. In steady sunlight, however, a panel's output should remain relatively stable. If you're seeing wildly fluctuating voltages from the panel's output in steady sunlight, you may have a bad connection somewhere, or a bad panel. I have seen flexible panels exhibit similar symptoms when they're going bad.

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