Quartzsite Rally January 2024

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Duh. Thanks Don. I meant to include that picture too, then forgot. BLM 561 is the more obvious trail to the north, and the two tiny washes are designated by their vegetation.
Today we bought some little yellow marker flags like those used for construction sites. I will place them at the turn off Old Yuma Road (BLM 561), and at the various turns into the area. Look for the bright yellow flags! I won’t out them out until this weekend, so if you are coming early you will have to live with the posted directions or call me.
Pam, we're planning on being in Q on the 17th. It's been 2 or 3 years since we were at the Forum rally. Is it in the same area? If not I'll look for your flags.
The old area is right next to the new sewage lagoons! We are farther south. Post #59 has directions, and we are putting the flags out on Saturday, 13 Jan.
No need to worry about the washes. They are hard packed and easy. No need to disconnect unless you want to scout first. If you leave BLM 56q where I have the flags it is an easy path.
Do we have any kind of count for the group yet? Or list? Jo and I are still waffling, balancing against a longer trip later.
This has always been a hard one to count. People say they will show up and don’t while other people never say they will be there but show up. I think we will be somewhere between 5 and 10. How’s that for saying “Your guess is as good as mine!”

And sorry we won’t get to meet bruosd1105.
I don't think I'll make the rally this year. Came down with a nasty stomach bug a couple of days ago and I'm not hitting the road until I'm back to 100%. I still plan on coming to Quartzsite but it will likely be after the rally is over.
We just had Dan and Jennifer (ferfer) show up so we are now up to three rigs.

Hope you feel better soon Lou. There are some nasty crud’s going around. Kevin and I will be here until late February.
We have a couple other things in the schedule, and can't do it all. So we will be missing this year. The only thing I was planning to buy is pretty reasonable elsewhere. Will moss seeing folks, but there will be another.
Made it and did not burn down.

Went into town this morning and got my plates and macerator pump from the tow company.

The thought the plates were gone and then they called me back after they found them.

More people need to show up before all the good give away stuff is gone.
It is a small but enjoyable group here. We have had a fire and Happy Hour each evening, but tomorrow looks like rain. We added an activity for Thursday - a drive beginning at 1:00 to see some of the numerous rock art designs that recent campers have added. We will end looking at the Native American pictographs and grinding holes in Tyson Wash, and the intaglio south of Quartzsite, assuming the wash is dry enough. Saturday at 2:00 pm is the potluck, Sunday at 10:00 we leave for the Desert Bar. Since most or all of the folks are staying longer than a week, we are planning a group dinner at Silly Al’s Pizza on Tuesday, 30 January.
Bernie (LastFling) and Joe and Doreen (More-Gas) arrived just ahead of the rain (assuming AccuWeather radar correct but I am in doubt). AccuWeather wins - it is raining!

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It is indeed raining, and doing a pretty good job of wetting things down. Tyson wash will definitely be running today, and Old Yuma Road has two washes with a lot of water on the way in, or out, of the area. Oh, and I think we have definitely cancelled the Happy Hour today! We have had 0.56” per my little rain gauge, and it is still going.

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