Quartzsite Rally January 2024

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Wendy, we will be leaving around 11 and exit via Pam's posted route. I will report condition of washes.

Hope to see ya' later today. Jennifer

Following Pam's route the washes are clear. There are a few puddles of no consequence. Someone added a tall cone to the Old Yuma Rd. turn going to the rally site.

Some rude human has removed the yellow flags! Kevin is putting some more out, but who knows whether they will stay. If you need help, message me. If your GPS cooperates, Tyson Wash entrance road to Old Yuma Rd then to BLM 561
We had a nice Happy Hour until the rain came! Group has gotten bigger with some showing up that are camped nearby. We had a fabulous rainbow!


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ANyone at the rally, there is a guy offering free (not cmmercial pilot, can't charge), (assume money left in an envelope might be found and used by him), anyway, he has been offering on the FB Quartzsite page. David Hanna 509 429 0390, if no answer call Pam at 509 860 4225.

If I were there...
Down to the last two days of the rally, and the most important activity is TODAY! The potluck will be held at 2:00 at the campsite. Those in the area but not staying at the rally site are welcome to come by. Bring your own table service. Tomorrow a number of folks are leaving, but at least a couple of vehicles are going to the Desert Bar, leaving at 10:00.
And the potluck is history. It was an absolutely glorious day with temps in the upper 60s and a light breeze that died down in the later afternoon leading to a clear brilliant sky covered with stars. It couldn’t be much better with good food and good friends. From left to right: Bernie, Bill, Renae, Pam, Kevin, Joe, Doreen, Larry, Billie, Ann, Paul, Brenda, Jim, Len, Dan, Jennifer, Gary (we somehow missed Maria!). A kind friend of Larry and Billie took the photo. We have all agreed the new site is great and we will meet again next year, same place, same time frame. Some are leaving tomorrow, so today was our official picture day. A few of us not leaving are going to the Desert Bar tomorrow.

Just before we ate, Doreen gave a heart felt prayer in memory of Marge West who we all miss. Bless her memory and her spouse Dan who we hope to see in the not so distant future.


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It's been a few years since we were at the Quartzsite Rally. While there were not as many in attendance as past Rallys, both Maria and I enjoyed the 12 days we were with the group. Pam did a great job organizing and keeping things moving. The new location is a bit more challenging to find but Pam made the trek easier by placing some yellow flags at key points. The pot luck was excellent with some great dishes and pies. Thanks to all for sharing those great hot dishes.
Probably the last rally picture. We have decided there will be a post-rally Silly Al’s Pizza dinner on the Tuesday after the rally for those of us staying around. We had a great time with pizza, lasagna, and salad by various folks. The names will be from front left around the table. Until next year!

Paul, Anne Jennifer, Dan, Brenda, Billie, Chris, Larry, Len. Pam, Kevin, and Jeff.


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