Quit smoking

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My how the attitudes on smoking in this country have changed over my lifetime.  I can remember when I was just a youngster right after WWII my first TV viewing of John Cameron Swayze announcing which military unit would be visited by the Camel Caravan that week - meaning giving free cigarettes to active duty soldiers.  Sounded good at the time and by the age of 10 I was a smoker and envious of those guys getting free smokes.............lol  68 years later with COPD and on oxygen, I no longer am envious.

I started this thread way back when.  I've not touched a cigarette since, however have gained 50Ibs.  I love breathing without lungs full of crap.  All those that have quit, way ta' go!  Keep it up!
jje1960 said:
I started this thread way back when.  I've not touched a cigarette since, however have gained 50Ibs.  I love breathing without lungs full of crap.  All those that have quit, way ta' go!  Keep it up!

Any doctor will tell you the 50 lbs. + is nothing compared to the poison infused into your system from the nicotine and ammonia from the cigs. Congrats! At some point, you may want to address the weight gain, but for now.... WGAS!! Congrats!!!!
jje1960 said:
I started this thread way back when.  I've not touched a cigarette since, however have gained 50Ibs.  I love breathing without lungs full of crap.  All those that have quit, way ta' go!  Keep it up!

Congrats on quitting! Even though I've never smoked, I was putting on WAY to much weight over the last 20 yrs. My DW got us going on a "Keto" diet. I was very skeptical because I've never "dieted" in my life. Try to cut back on all the "Carbs". All the fresh baked breads, chips, crackers, a bowl of cereal before bed. I was knocking on the door of 290 lbs and feeling like there was no hope in sight for taking the weight off. This has helped me lose 30+ lbs over the last year. Not trying to preach at you, just some encouraging words from somebody that never thought I would lose the weight.
BTW, my DW makes a SUPER Keto freindly cheese cake!
Last night (Thurs.) at about 11:00 PM MST, it was almost exactly 10 years since my last cigarette. Cravings are momentary and extremely rare (once or twice a year, maybe).  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
Tom quit mid-December 1988.  Thirty years ago!  I quit about six months later when my doctor scared me to death.  Tom was an ogre for about one day, I was an emotional mess for about the first year.  Felt like a drug addict going cold turkey.  Now neither of us can imagine that we ever enjoyed that messy, stinky, dangerous habit.
Irover said:
8) 8) Still smoke free since March 30th 2012! Smoked since I was 12-years old!
Good on you.  Smoked at age 10 to age 53 (43 years).  Quit and have not smoked in 25 years, 1 month and 18 days.  Unfortunately I did not stop in time to avoid COPD.

BRex said:
I wonder how many non-smoking loved ones have died of cancer due to having breathed second hand smoke over the years?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who grew up in the 50's - 70's with chain smoking parents.
I've was "smoking" second hand smoke through my growing up years. The house was a fog. The car was a fog with the windows rolled up, the AC blasting, and a full ash tray.
I remember when I was around 10 years old, we came home from a long drive on vacation and I went over to my pals house to tell him about it. His parents told me we had to go outside because I smelled like an ash tray.
jackiemac said:
I think this Gizmo might be having the same problem with his glasses as Gizmo100.....  ;D

The new glasses are ordered...Meanwhile I'm like double checking everything I post....When the new glasses come in I may have to go back and fix a few things...LOL
I just returned from the 7-11. Outside of it was a sign advertising a pack of cigarettes for $5.81, if you buy at least two. So doing some quick calculations I realize that when I quit 20 years ago a pack was around $2.50. That means I have saved at least $1000 a year for 20 years or about $20,000. That is enough money to pay for all five of the RVs I purchased in that time period with a lot left over. And that does not even count the lighters and ruined clothes. And considering how bad my emphysema feels I would have been dead a long time ago.
SeilerBird said:
I just returned from the 7-11. Outside of it was a sign advertising a pack of cigarettes for $5.81, if you buy at least two. So doing some quick calculations I realize that when I quit 20 years ago a pack was around $2.50. That means I have saved at least $1000 a year for 20 years or about $20,000. That is enough money to pay for all five of the RVs I purchased in that time period with a lot left over. And that does not even count the lighters and ruined clothes. And considering how bad my emphysema feels I would have been dead a long time ago.

Ciggies were 75 cents a pack when I decided they were too expensive to keep smoking.

I still remember one time I borrowed Dad's car and he asked me to pick up a carton of his smokes (Lucky Strike) at Eagle Army Navy store while I was out.
I screwed around until the Eagle closed and had to buy his carton at the local Convenience store.
He got really mad at me for spending 5 bucks for the carton, instead of the 2.50 I could have got them for at Eagle.
Now people pay more for a PACK than I ever paid for a carton.
SeilerBird said:
When I started in the 60s they were 25 cents a pack.

I can remember going to the store for my Dad back in the mid 50's and Lucky Strikes were $.21 a pack.  I was about 10 years old and that was no big deal back then.

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