replacement windows?

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New member
Mar 11, 2024
Where do you go to find replacement windows for older motorhomes? I've got a 35' Coachman Santara, and it needs windows. Camping World wants a grand a piece to replace them, and so far i haven't found sizes that match mine online. Any help would be appreciated.
Where do you go to find replacement windows for older motorhomes? I've got a 35' Coachman Santara, and it needs windows. Camping World wants a grand a piece to replace them, and so far i haven't found sizes that match mine online. Any help would be appreciated.
Replacement for the glass or frames or both?
Why do they need replacing? Fogged dual panes? Broken glass? Bent frames? Much of that is repairable, though still probably $200-$300 per window.

If you (or a hired handyman) can remove the windows, a glass shop can fix most problems.
Well, shoot, you guys just gave me an instant education! I wasn't thinking of whether I'd need new frames, or that I could certainly remove and install them myself, or that a regular glass shop could repair them. I build aircraft and race cars for a living, I certainly have the skills to figure it out. They are currently fogged up and the black sealer is squished out all over them. So probably removal, cleaning, and a glass shop could get them all together good as new.
Well, shoot, you guys just gave me an instant education! I wasn't thinking of whether I'd need new frames, or that I could certainly remove and install them myself, or that a regular glass shop could repair them. I build aircraft and race cars for a living, I certainly have the skills to figure it out. They are currently fogged up and the black sealer is squished out all over them. So probably removal, cleaning, and a glass shop could get them all together good as new.
You might need to look around to find a local shop that will work on RV window glass replacement....not all glass shops will work on RVs. There is only one shop in the town that I live in that will replace fogged RV glass.
Most RV windows are not that difficult to remove and we could probably give you more information if we knew what RV you have and maybe some pictures of the windows you need to remove. Most commonly they will have a frame on the inside that holds them in place and a strip of butyl putty on the outside all around the opening to seal it. When you remove the windows that are like this you will need to have someone outside to grab it and someone inside to push it out. The butyl tape will need to be replaced and is available from Amazon or any RV supply store.
There are shops that will do dual pane RV windows but not all of them will so check around before you remove the windows.
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Here's a detailed video from the RV Geeks on how to replace an RV window (click here).

Here's a detailed video on how to repair fogged windows (click here).

Also, there are glass companies that repair foggy windows, just as long as there's no etching on the interior glass panes. Here are a few of them...

  1. RV Fog Dr - Searcy, AR
  2. Suncoast Designers - Hudson, FL
  3. RV Glass Guru - Phoenix, AZ area

Expect to pay $200 - $350 per window (not per "pane")

Good luck!
Removing and replacing most RV windows is quite simple. There are YouTube videos showing the procedure - here is one of them.

There are regional companies that specialize in defogging dual pane RV windows. Last I knew it ran about $200/window and they do all the work, including R&R. But that was a few years ago and it's surely more now. Suncoast Designers in Florida is one but several areas have something similar.

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