Sad Event at Quartzsite (with a silver lining)

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Kevin Means

Site Team
Aug 3, 2010
Hereford, Arizona
Most here have read MANY helpful posts from from Bill Waugh, aka HueyPilotVN. First - BILL IS FINE. He just called to let me know that, last night, he set up camp in his motorhome at the Quartzsite RV show, and this morning he disconnected his Jeep to take a drive. When he was several miles away, he saw a huge plume of black smoke coming from the RV show area, so he drove back, only to find that it was HIS motorhome that had caught fire. Fortunately, he had left his door unlocked, and a citizen and a police officer were able to rescue his two dogs. The cause of the fire was his LP fridge - what a shocker! Bill had quite a solar and lithium battery setup in his RV, and he often ran his fridge on AC power, but late last night he switched over to LP, since he was boondocking. No idea if that had anything to do with the fire.

For those of you who don't know Bill, he's been an avid RVer for many years, and he's a damn nice guy and a very generous man. In fact, he told me that he had several "give aways" in his RV for anyone who wanted them, but all of it was lost in the fire. He said he'd post more about the incident as soon as he gets home and buys another computer. He was not a full-timer, so while he lost everything in the RV, he still has a home.

His attitude about the whole thing is much better than I think mine would be under the same circumstances, and he's most grateful to the people who saved his dogs. I couldn't agree more. He told me that it was okay for me to let all of you know about this event.

I do know Bill. Met him several years ago in while on our way home from FL and met up with him in SC. He was a project manager overseeing a project setting up a couple of mobile medical trailers he designed. This was at a hospital which was going to be torn down. He took us in like he knew us forever. He also has a wonderful bride.
Sorry to hear that. Knowing Bill, he’ll look at this as a bump in the road. He’ll pull through.
Wow! Glad he is OK and glad someone rescued his dogs. Hopefully, he had good insurance on his rig and a replacement will be coming very soon.

Your post is another good reminder of why it is not a good thing to leave your pets inside your camper and you venture off, leaving them behind.
Yikes! I'm glad Bill and his dogs are OK, everything else is just stuff. I'm surprised (but probably shouldn't be) about the fridge, his motorhome was only a couple of years old.
Damn! That stinks. Such a nice guy. A couple of us saw the pics on Quartzsite Chatter and with the Huey graphics on the side, there was no doubt it was Bill’s. Glad his dogs were rescued and he’s ok. Thanks for posting!
Very sorry to hear of his disaster! We are all thinking of him.

I suspect he had an absorption refrigerator. Thats exactly the problem that both Mark & I recommend the Fridge Defend for them.
Propane/electric refrigerators are by default absorption fridges.
Bill had quite a solar and lithium battery setup in his RV, and he often ran his fridge on AC power, but late last night he switched over to LP, since he was boondocking.
Fridge Defend is a good device but it won't do any good if there's a propane leak, it just shuts down the fridge if the boiler overheats.
What a bummer! Glad that Bill and the dogs are safe.
Wow! What a sad state of affairs. Thanks for the note, Kevin.

I'm sorry this happened for you Bill, but I'm certainly glad that you and the dogs are OK. I hope things get better for you soon.
I wasn’t going to say anything until Bill basically announced it, which it seems he did. When I saw the video of the fire on a FB Quartzsite group, I immediately knew it was Bill’s rig. The link is to a video on a FB group called Quartzsite Chatter. It is easy to join, and it shows how lucky everyone was plus the aftermath.

Bill, I am so sorry this happened, but I am thrilled you and those two sweet pups got out safely.
Oh wow, that's devastating to hear. I'm so glad he and his doggies are OK!
Fridge Defend is good but it's not a cure-all. It will shut down the fridge if it's boiler overheats but does nothing if there's an external propane leak.

Over the years I've replaced two absorption refrigerators with electric refrigerators in my RVs. New home refrigerators use Petane refrigerant, which is derived from propane and is flammable. But they only contain a few ounces of the stuff so there's a very good chance any fire will be contained within the refrigerator's metal enclosure.
Very sorry to hear of his disaster! We are all thinking of him.

I suspect he had an absorption refrigerator. Thats exactly the problem that both Mark & I recommend the Fridge Defend for them.
what is an absorption Refridgerator? not sure what type is in our 84 Itasca, but this is the second fire in what 2 weeks. yep I will be removing all the gas stuff out of our. not even going to take a chance.
Anne and I are so happy Bill and the dogs are safe, a nicer guy we've yet to meet. The RV is a loss, but replaceable, Bill isn't.
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