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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2022
Wasilla, AK
I'm so thankful the restaurants got rid of spoons. We are all enjoying the huge cost savings of eliminating these useless artifacts of a bygone era, in the form of very affordable dining.
So stir your coffee with a fork and drink that bowl of minestrone!
We don't need no stinking spoons! It's only the oldest of eating utensil, invented by cultures all over the world.
Some restaurants now don't have spoons at all.
I'm thinking about getting those cheapie spoons you can get for a couple bucks a dozen, and carrying them with me. When they say they have no spoons, I'll just give them a dozen and comment that I must not be the only patron looking for a spoon.
I'd possibly carry my own spoon also..........except......I'd try to make the biggest mess that I possibly could at the table/chairs/floor where I just ate, then stop by and tell the manager....."Sorry" for the mess at my table, I could have done much better if I'd only had a SPOON to eat with.
.I'd try to make the biggest mess that I possibly could at the table/chairs/floor where I just ate, then stop by and tell the manager....."Sorry" for the mess at my table, I could have done much better if I'd only had a SPOON to eat with.
I have no problem doing this anyway... I have a tremor in my dominate hand (Right), and often prefer a spoon over a fork to keep things contained...
I have no problem doing this anyway... I have a tremor in my dominate hand (Right), and often prefer a spoon over a fork to keep things contained...
Sorry to hear that Butch. And I certainly was not making fun of anyone that has that condition. My suggestion was only to get the manager's attention that maybe they actually need spoons after all.
The local restaurants here still supply spoons, but since I often have trouble gripping their flatware properly, I carry a set of my own with larger easy to grip handles. A few times, I've been reported to the owner for stealing the place setting when someone sees me put it back in my jacket pocket. The owners all know me well enough to know what I'm doing though, so no harm done.
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Yesterday we attended a friend's birthday party. I'm not a cake guy but, out of politeness, I took a small piece to share with my other half. In days gone by, I'd expect a small "dessert fork" to accompany the cake, but this restaurant served it with only spoons.
Ask and ye shall receive. That's how it is around here, anyway. A lot of restaurants don't just set out silverware anymore, so much of it is unused, napkins thrown away, etc.

I like this one place we go to. Very casual. There's a holder on the table with extra napkins, and silverware place settings rolled up in napkins. Use it if you need it. Don't waste it if you don't need it.
Interesting. I have yet to run into a spoonless restaurant other than a few such as the Chinese place in our local mall that has been using "sporks" for 10+ years.
Most Chinese restaurants I have been to have Spoons and Chopsticks. Finding a Fork or knife is usually the challenge.
Sorry to hear that Butch. And I certainly was not making fun of anyone that has that condition. My suggestion was only to get the manager's attention that maybe they actually need spoons after all.
No problem.. I certainly didn’t take as you meaning to make fun.. Even though it does provide endless entertainment for my family.:rolleyes:… It's not a big deal, except no more handwriting for me, not that my handwriting was that good to begin with.…..
It still bugs me that so many places have (long ago) given up serving iced tea with a nice, long iced tea spoon to stir with, giving me a straw instead (huh?) Since we don't use straws, we try to tell them that we don't need straws (lots of plastic waste), but where's the tea spoon? A few will bring one of those spoons if asked, however. In fact, even with just a glass of water they still want to give me a straw. :confused:
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It still bugs me that so many places have (long ago) given up serving iced tea with a nice, long iced tea spoon to stir with, giving me a straw instead (huh?) Since we don't use straws, we try to tell them that we don't need straws (lots of plastic waste), but where's the tea spoon? A few will bring one of those spoons if asked, however. In fact, even with just a glass of water they still want to give me a straw. :confused:

We have a straw law in effect up here but all the wait staff were still throwing down straws with every beverage whether you wanted it or not. That's kind of against the whole effort. Finally...they've started asking. I'm pretty good about saying I don't need one before they put it in my drink (like at a bar). I've also gotten a few wait staff to remember I also don't prefer a lemon wedge with my tea. Save the lemon tree groves! lol

I don't recall spoons with iced tea being that common? I also don't order sweet tea (unsweet only) and/or I say no thanks when they ask if I'd like sweetener. No spoon for me :)
It still bugs me that so many places have (long ago) given up serving iced tea with a nice, long iced tea spoon to stir with,
We’re on our way back from Louisiana, driving through the south, most places we stopped served the sweet tea with the long tea spoons in the glass. We generally just do lunch out and not dinner.
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