State by State List of Re-openings

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2016
Found these web sites that show the status of each state's reopening dates, and when Stay at Home/Shelter orders will expire.

One is from yesterday, May 4

and the other states it was updated, today, May 5.

and a 3rd from CNN


SeilerBird said:
MY stay at home order remains in effect until I say so.
Mine was the month of April. The whole point wasn't so people never got it, it was to flatten the curve so that hospitals weren't overwhelmed. Our local hospitals were and are so underwhelmed that they're laying off and furloughing staff. Our hospitals are in serious economic trouble. So staying home doesn't make much sense here anymore.
SeilerBird said:
MY stay at home order remains in effect until I say so.
Wise man, these openings are just that the hospitals have rooms for you now.  Anyone that thinks this is nearing an end is grossly misled.
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Statewide reports don't necessarily reflect county or city restrictions. Some parks may also have their own restrictions.
  • Our 6 Bay area counties have restrictions that differ from state (California) restrictions.
  • The park in WY where we own a lot has announced that, when WY's 14-day self quarantine for folks from out-of-state expires, they'll ask park residents and visitors to self-quarantine for 14 days.
  • The local health authority in Star Valley, WY (where our lot is located) has pleaded with out-of-staters to stay home, because their resources could easily be overwhelmed.
We're with Seilerbird, and are planning for the possibility we'll stay home through the summer, and maybe the remainder of the year.
SeilerBird said:
MY stay at home order remains in effect until I say so.

Same here except instead of our home it is in our T T in our Camp Ground

Jack L
Tom said:
Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Statewide reports don't necessarily reflect county or city restrictions.

And that should be obvious without having to be stated.  The State data remains viable even if it is on the internet. Sorry that such a banal post could seemingly raise so many hackles.  I live on the road full-time, so knowing when hair salons, or restaurants, elective medical/dental procedures, or state parks, and other recreation sites might reopen/resume, even with some restrictions is quite helpful to me. Stay at home if you elect to do so. It has nothing to do with those of us who might need or want services that have been shut-down.  I guess I'll add  . . . .

"Check with your local destination in a state you might be headed for in case there are city/county restrictions that differ from those of the State."

Since it was brought up -- staying home STILL makes good sense if you have medical conditions that make contracting Covid 19 a serious, like a life/death proposition.  I agree that States have assessed their medical capabilities and are cautiously opening in many area because it's been determined that it appears (i.e. models predict) local medical facilities would not be overwhelmed.  That is one factor, what would happen to someone who is high risk for serious illness or death is another matter.  Being on a ventilator is no walk in the park, and a majority of people have long term negative health effects from the experience. 

Sorry that such a banal post could seemingly raise so many hackles.

No hackles raised here, just raising a caution that those state summaries may be misleading for folks who 'rely' on them. Of course, making a phone call for an appointment would provide availability of providers & local restrictions.
Linda, your concerns are totally valid but different from those of us with homes.  Maybe you should repost this thread in the Fulltimers section. 
[quote author=garyb1st]Linda, your concerns are totally valid but different from those of us with homes.  Maybe you should repost this thread in the Fulltimers section.[/quote]

No need to re-post; I'll go ahead and move it.
Dreamsend said:
Found these web sites that show the status of each state's reopening dates, and when Stay at Home/Shelter orders will expire.

One is from yesterday, May 4

and the other states it was updated, today, May 5.

and a 3rd from CNN


Those 3 outlets still exist. I didn't think anyone watched them anymore.
One of my membership parks in MICHIGAN just posted they will start taking in people MAY 16..  Some government parks are closed till June but I can go home mid May.
That said: I'm paid here till end of month so here I'll stay while the first wave of folks packs the place :)
MD Governor Hogan just announced that camping is allowed but the State Parks are still closed except for ?exercise?.  But I think we are still under stay-at-home restrictions so I don?t understand it.  Fishing,boating,golf and tennis are allowed.  Does this make any sense?  I don?t know if private CGs will open now.

Ocean City,MD is opening their boardwalk and beaches.  No businesses will be open on the boardwalk but the claim is to give the locals a place for fresh air and exercise.?. The only food available will be carry out.  No bars open should put a damper on it all.  And no hotels open. 

The COVID world doesn?t make any sense!  Stay safe and sanitized.

We just drove from Northern Florida to Ohio.  It appeared to us that Tennessee had the most open, and Ohio has the most restrictive conditions.  We are full timers, originally from Ohio, and we return annually for medical appointments and to see local family.  We'll be leaving for our state of residency, South Dakota, it about three weeks.  They have never been shut down, and most everything is open.  Looking forward to getting back.  For those of you who feel more comfortable being more cautious, more power to you.  My DW and I just have a different take on the situation.  This is what makes America great.  We can have differet opinions, and we can still be friends and agree to disagree!  ;)
Interesting John. We have a couple of kids and several grandkids in OH, and have our own townhouse near Columbus. Our son works at a casino in Cincinnati and daughter works at a dental office near Columbus. Both were furloughed when OH restrictions were announced. Restrictions are being eased, and our daughter returns to the dental office tomorrow (Thurs), but our son has no such news (I imagine casinos will be among the last to return).

We're discussing when we might get to our townhouse and see family. We normally drive 2,500 miles from CA by car, or 1.500 miles if we drop our coach off at our lot in WY. We have a couple of dogs in tow, so can't/don't fly anyway. Either way (CA-OH or WY-OH), we're not considering driving to OH until closer to Thanksgiving.

BTW we have an acquaintance with the same first/last names who's an MD in the Central Valley of CA. Any relation?

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