Suspicious photographers

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Yep, gonna revive this post.  You ain't seen nothing till you've seen a sales lady in a prom dress shop (before cell phones) come after you for taking a pic of your daughter in a prom dress, that you haven't paid for.  Not sure what that rule is in place for but I'm sure it was important.
Tom said:
Today 6 members of our new Photography Club made our first "field trip" to the Bethany Reservoir State Recreation Area near Tracy, California. One of the attractions for the group was the proximity to countless wind generators.

We apparently attracted attention, and were approached separately by a couple of "officials". One guy apologetically explained "I'm required to report any unusual activity, and we don't normally see a group of guys taking photos of our infrastructure".

Six 65-75 year-olds must have appeared really threatening  ???

You, too, would be paranoid if you'd stolen taken as much from public coffers as have wind companies.... not to mention providing so little in return.
Not sure where I read it, but recently there have been chefs upset about plates of food being photgraphed.  I should ask my nephew, he is a chef in Philly, (and has a book coming out in the Fall!)

Not sure where I read it, but recently there have been chefs upset about plates of food being photgraphed.

We just saw that on TV the other day.  They actually ask their clientele to turn their cell phones off so they can't take pictures.  Guess they don't want copycats.

Lots of politics involved when it comes to the windmills....around here anyways.

I was in Tombstone a few years ago and took a picture of a buffalo head on a wall in a gift shot.....I thought I was going to maybe get shot from the fuss the store owner was making.
I manage 4 bookstores here in Yellowstone, worked in one at Grand Canyon, and I am always amazed watching customers photographing posters on display, postcards, and one guy (who I kept walking n front of), videoing the movie on display. 

I don't worry about it, the quality they get will be crap, the movie however, I figure I am making cameos all the time in China on the bootleg version.

I think that they're all FULL of it, since we just LET a million illegals per year into our country, diseases and all, with no supervision or even any questions.  If you are going to do THAT, you can't be caring even one LICK about security.
Bob Buchanan said:
Shortly after purchase of my Canon50D I stopped by the Galleria mall in Roseville to do some test shots. Lots of nice color plus it was raining outside. Hadn't been there very long when several mall police came up to me and asked me to leave - and told me they had been following me via mall cameras.

I pointed to the lady taking pics of her kids - and their response was that she was an amateur and that was OK. I explained that the size of the camera does not make someone a pro - to no avail.

I also live in Roseville and have taken lots of pics at the Galleria.  I've spent a lot of time almost doing "street shots" on both levels.  I never once was approached by the "Paul Blarts"  However, if I go again I will be a bit more expecting to see them.
Most, if not all, of this extra security, and vigilance, has been in place as a result of 9/11.

In some small way, the terrorists "won."

I guess I am just an old man wishing for the old days.
Hello "Dog Folks".

As I read your comments, the thought came to me, "These are the OLD TIMES", for someone.
And I know I read or heard that somewhere.....

The Cartoon strip, "Grin and bear it", came to mind. Also, one of the character's, (Lucy ?),  from the Peanut's Strip, looking back at us with a sorrowful grin was there too, in my mind.
People..., go figure.
I'm going to keep smiling, hoping someone will see me and take a picture, you know, for the OLD TIMES.

These are the "Old Times" for my son and his generation I guess.

Never thought of it. 

Yes, I know you can never go home again, but I guess I can reminisce.

"Six 65-75 year-olds must have appeared really threatening???"

It was probably the accumulated age value that caused his disturbance.
If you really want to look suspicious, try walking around with your camera and long lens on a gun stock mount. I have been stopped and questioned several times. I really don't quite understand. It doesn't look at all like a weapon to me.

Great Horned Owl said:
If you really want to look suspicious, try walking around with your camera and long lens on a gun stock mount. I have been stopped and questioned several times. I really don't quite understand. It doesn't look at all like a weapon to me.


Kinda like the guy who had a hi-lift jack mounted on the hood of his Jeep(as do I).  Some concerned citizen reported him having a machine gun on his Jeep. 
Old_Crow said:
Kinda like the guy who had a hi-lift jack mounted on the hood of his Jeep(as do I).  Some concerned citizen reported him having a machine gun on his Jeep.

LOL, I ought to try this on my daily driver, a 2008 Hyundai Elantra. It might get some of those left-lane slowpokes out of the way and cut down my daily commute time. 8)
Joezeppy said:
LOL, I ought to try this on my daily driver, a 2008 Hyundai Elantra. It might get some of those left-lane slowpokes out of the way and cut down my daily commute time. 8)

When I was a senior in high school, a car dealership near the school had one of the Sunbeam Alpines that was used in the "Get Smart" TV series on their lot for sale.
It had a license plate that would change with the e-brake handle, a screen in the center console that looked like an old radar screen, and a thing that looked like an old water-cooled machine gun that rose up though the hood.  Tried everything I could think up to get my parents to buy it for my graduation.  I got a Rambler American instead.  :-\
and now everybody thinks drones are video them. as well as flying where they are not.

was better decades back when photos were of a fuzzy nessie. or just could not make out the string holding up the ?ufo?.

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