Too Soon To Apply?

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2017
My wife and I are planning on purchasing an RV in October and try workamping. Do we have to wait until we have our RV to start applying or can we try to get the ball rolling now? Many ask for the size and pictures of the rig which is why I'm wondering if we should wait. However don't want to wait too long as that's about when many jobs start and then it may be too late to secure a winter position.
GO ahead and apply.

If they insist on a picture, find one on the web that looks like what you might want to buy and just send that.  Doubtful they will be there upon your arrival comparing pictures and if they are, claim you traded.  ;D

I've done a good bit of workamping and no one bothered to ask for pics of my rig. They were more interested in my character and work references. Though, yes, I have seen those that require pics of rig and pics of people in advance. I figure they are newbies.

I've been asked to describe my rig and I am usually kind of vague with something simple like "well maintained 28 foot rig".

By the way, Amazon hires thousands of RVers to start after Labor Day to work through Christmas Eve, this is a temporary paying job with great perks and opportunities for tons of overtime. It's one way some couples are funding their travels for the rest of the year. Apply now. Every year dozens walk out on them the first week. It pays to read the fine print so you understand what's involved.
Let me weigh in on this, I hire work campers every year for working in bookstores in Yellowstone.  1- we would never ask for pictures,  however I do ask what you own.  This allows for more planning, some of the sites we have won't take larger rigs.  I also want to know you actually do have a rig.  I hired one lady who was getting one and she never got one!  I had to scramble to replace her when it came time to start arriving. 

Our applications will be up in a few weeks for interviews in October, hiring by December, starting next May.

So go ahead and apply, but don't be too surprised if your app is not taken seriously if you just tell them this is what I want to buy.
PancakeBill said:
This allows for more planning, some of the sites we have won't take larger rigs. 

I was accepted to workamp at a place that informed me "Because your rig is so small, we have a nice spot behind the other rigs to put you so we need you to arrive at least a day earlier than the others."

I wrote back that I needed a site where I could come and go at will. I don't tow a car and drive my rig to go shop for provisions.

Incredibly they wrote back "But we can squeeze your rig in here, and you can just ask the others to take you places and that way you don't have to drive your rig. "

So I had to cancel my "acceptance" as I found it unacceptable that I would be parked without the ability to come and go at will. If the forest is on fire, I want to leave, not be hunting all over creation to find the drivers of the rigs blocking me in.

They wrote me several more times trying to get me to change my mind. All they had to do was offer me a site where I had access to the road... like everyone else.

I don't like to burden others with my choice of lack of car. I prefer to be independent and just drive my rig or ride my bicycle where I need to go without making demands on others.

Where I am staying now there are 3 people without cars that are always asking others to take them here and yonder, they have encouraged me to ask for rides too.Telling me who is "easy" to ask.  But I explain that I can either ride my bike to the grocery store (I do too) or take my rig where I need to go. I think it's unfair to require others to be my free taxi.

Sure, if someone invites me somewhere, I might say yes and go. I also offer to buy gas or lunch or something to be gracious. But I am not going to bang on doors and ask others to take me places because I don't have a car.

Back to workamping... I think everyone is entitled to a spot they can get in and out of without making everyone else move.  ;D

Finding my next RV to purchase is always a strain. Usually three to six months of searching. I would wait until the RV is parked in my driveway before applying for work camping jobs. I feel that is putting the cart before the horse. If you get accepted it will force you to buy an RV in a hurry and you might end up with the wrong one.
I appreciate all the responses. We're now about 2 weeks away from purchasing our new rig. As inventory constantly changes we don't know yet what we'll end up with. We do know what we need and it narrows things down a bit. Since we've been married for almost 11 years and never had a vacation other than a working honeymoon to Washington state in December we're going to spend a few weeks and travel. We know we want to stay in Texas or Arizona in the winters and Oregon, Washington or Montana in the summers. Our plans to stay on the Texas gulf coast this winter may now need to be tweaked due to Hurricane Harvey.
IowaNomads - be sure to ping me when you head down this way we are in NW Houston - Hope all went well with the new rig - we just purchased our first one as well

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