Try CBD for dog's pain relief.....

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2011
Our 14 y/o, 60# Slobbermouth has a variety of medical problems:  Arthritis, repaired ACL and hip dysplasia.  Tramadol is bitter and a real hassle to get down her gullet.  Other meds need to be monitored for side effects. 

Our vet works with someone who formulates CBD with coconut oil.  1/4 to 1/2 tsp., twice daily.  Seems to be working well.  Eats better, more active, alert and happier.  No more Tramadol. 

CBD is cannabidiol, non psychoactive.  Ask your vet or do some research, if interested.
thanks for sharing- we need to start our dog on some pain meds. I will ask about it when we go there today
What state are you getting CBD from a vet? In AZ  I was told only available with a human medical marijuana card. My boy is on Tramadol, we place his pills on a Wet Nose biscuit (flat and round, add a scoop of peanut butter, no problem!
it works great on this old dog too.... both my wife and I use a CBD cream on our sore knees.
Tramadol twice a day with 1/2 a Meloxicam is keeping my old Border Collie girl going. No issues with the Meloxicam and Tramadol is about as benign as it gets. My brother in law smoked pot for pain. He claimed it helped, we all thought it just got him stoned so he didn't care anymore.
DWJoyce said:
My brother in law smoked pot for pain. He claimed it helped, we all thought it just got him stoned so he didn't care anymore.
if he didn't care anymore...that means it worked.  ::)
bobcat12.....we are in Oregon.  There is a place in CO that might sell to you.  Google Edibites.  Also other CBD for critters websites will show. 
YaddaYadda said:
bobcat12.....we are in Oregon.  There is a place in CO that might sell to you.  Google Edibites.  Also other CBD for critters websites will show.

Update......Slobbermouth doing well on CBD.  The laws for medical vs. recreational marijuana are changing so fast, state to state......that is a real jumble.  We still get our CBD from the same person who formulates her own, blending with coconut oil for a finished product.

For people and/or dogs who are interested.....start calling around and ask about MEDICAL CBD. 
I have been hearing a lot about CBD lately.... With the exception of what the Politicans are saying (What do they know????_) It's all been good. Treats or cures several afflictions.

I'm not using it however.  Do know a few folks who are still around because of it.

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