Weary of OTT hype stories about the Eclipse

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
No doubt, it's pretty cool. Worth seeing? Definitely.

But, packing up your family and traveling thousands of miles, paying 10x the normal rate for an Airbnb or hotel? People sobbing at the sight of an eclipse?

No, as much as I would like to believe it, the eclipse is not going to somehow "bring people together and unite disparate segments of society". Yes, some stories would have you believe that will happen.

Bottom line. Yep, people will surely be together, sometimes in large gatherings watching in awe. But hey, when it's over in a few minutes, it's over. Very nice memory for sure, but hardly an event that will fundamentally change society all that much in the long run.
It does seem that it is a little overboard buts beats to political s---show going on daily. We were a little out of the totality in 2017 but daughters place was dead center and it was less than 70 miles and parked in her front yard. Even the SIL wasn't a huge PIA.
It's a huge deal for those directly in the path of totality. This is a one-time event, everyone alive Monday will never see another. For instance the center line of the path goes directly over my house. The last time that happened was 1873 (I think), the next time will be in 365 years.
I spoke with a woman in Ohio on the phone this morning, she said she has to work all that day. Every business in the path in Indiana will be closed that afternoon.
Yeah, I’ll be glad when it’s over.
Problem is, I will be traveling opposite all the blind eclipse-seekers going back east from Texas…
No, as much as I would like to believe it, the eclipse is not going to somehow "bring people together and unite disparate segments of society". Yes, some stories would have you believe that will happen.

First a comment. In fact it's dividing people as the nuts.nuts.nuts. folks are yammering about it heralding the 2nd coming and well you know my position on that from how I described them. Yes the end of the world is approaching.. ONE DAY AT A TIME.. Will it be today? Ask me tomorrow. if you can. Does anyone know when it will be.. GOD according to his son, is the only one.

Though I'm tired of hearing "Don't look at the sun directly with out proper approved glasses. And I'm at a level where I keep thinking only a very very very very stupid person would not have gotten the message by now.. I also recall the story where one person had to be told TWICE to put on his glasses back in 2017 and of course there will be an up-tick in hospital admissions later today.

I also remember being told about Michigan's new "Lock up your guns if there are children about" law that went into effect on 2/13 this year For at least a week every newscast.. And on 2/14 the story of a 2 year old who shot herself in the face.
First a comment. In fact it's dividing people as the nuts.nuts.nuts. folks are yammering about it heralding the 2nd coming and well you know my position on that from how I described them. Yes the end of the world is approaching.. ONE DAY AT A TIME.. Will it be today? Ask me tomorrow. if you can. Does anyone know when it will be.. GOD according to his son, is the only one.

Though I'm tired of hearing "Don't look at the sun directly with out proper approved glasses. And I'm at a level where I keep thinking only a very very very very stupid person would not have gotten the message by now.. I also recall the story where one person had to be told TWICE to put on his glasses back in 2017 and of course there will be an up-tick in hospital admissions later today.

I also remember being told about Michigan's new "Lock up your guns if there are children about" law that went into effect on 2/13 this year For at least a week every newscast.. And on 2/14 the story of a 2 year old who shot herself in the face.
Doubt at your own peril, it's a scientific fact that what unbelievers assume to be the moon which is 238,000 miles from earth coming directly between the earth and the sun which is 93,000,000 miles away is in fact the demon Rahu's decapitated head. If, and only if, the sun reappears, it's proof the forces of good have triumphed over the forces of evil. Vedic Astronomy doesn't lie, trust Hare Krishna.
I'm sacrificing a goat just in case.
I live in Indianapolis, it certainly is hyped around here. The Motor Speedway is even having a mega viewing party, everything is closed for the day, and all locals are advised to stay off the roads. Weather forecast has turned for the better, should be clear to partly cloudy. Between this, and Purdue in the championship NCAA basketball game tonight, it seems like a good day ahead, I'm headed for a motorcycle ride this morning :cool:
We’re in the Northwest so we don’t really care about this one. We were much closer to the path of totality back in 2017. It was worth watching for sure. Obsessing over for two weeks? Nah..
We were in the path of totality for the 2017 event, so now I can say that I've been there, done that and no longer feel that my life is a totally useless waste of time! :ROFLMAO:
There was an eclipse on 9/17/1811
The New Madrid fault quaked 12/16/1811.
We were already spiraling into war as Britain struggled to keep a yoke around our necks.
I don't know whom is your news source. I use NPR and everything I have read there was pure scientific factual information. Not the gibberish you are reading.
For instance the center line of the path goes directly over my house. The last time that happened was 1873 (I think), the next time will be in 365 years.
Over your house, perhaps, but total eclipses aren't all that rare somewhere in the USA. I watched one in western North Carolina in 2017 and there will be another in 2044 that will be viewable across a width swath of the USA.

Plus the media hype has many people thinking it will be like midnight, with the skies entirely black and stars twinkling. Birds & livestock falling asleep in fields & barns. Etc.
Although not nearly as visually dramatic, the The Equinox (Vernal & Autumnal), and The Solstices (Summer & Winter) are celestial events more worthy of getting excited (or depressed I suppose) about than an eclipse. :)
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